我在編譯文件Mutex.h時遇到問題 - >它屬於庫STK(綜合工具包C++)。錯誤C4430,C2146 - 缺少類型說明符 - 假定爲int。注意:C++不支持default-int
我剛剛收錄了我需要的文件(「RtWvOut.h」,Mutex.h/cpp,Stk.h/cpp,WvOut.h),並在編譯期間消除了以下問題。 謝謝您的回答:)
d:\ KARI \ Mutex.h:67:錯誤:C2146:語法錯誤:缺少 ';'在標識符'mutex_'之前 d:\ kari \ Mutex.h:67:錯誤:C4430:缺少類型說明符 - 假定爲int。注意:C++不支持default-int d:\ kari \ Mutex.h:68:錯誤:C2146:語法錯誤:缺少';'在標識符'condition_'之前 d:\ kari \ Mutex.h:68:錯誤:C4430:缺少類型說明符 - 假定爲int。注意:C++不支持默認int
#ifndef STK_MUTEX_H
#define STK_MUTEX_H
#include "Stk.h"
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__)){
#include <pthread.h>
typedef pthread_mutex_t MUTEX;
typedef pthread_cond_t CONDITION;
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__){
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
namespace stk {
/*! \class Mutex
\brief STK mutex class.
This class provides a uniform interface for
cross-platform mutex use. On Linux and IRIX
systems, the pthread library is used. Under
Windows, critical sections are used.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011.
class Mutex : public Stk
//! Default constructor.
//! Class destructor.
//! Lock the mutex.
void lock(void);
//! Unlock the mutex.
void unlock(void);
//! Wait indefinitely on the mutex condition variable.
The mutex must be locked before calling this function, and then
subsequently unlocked after this function returns.
void wait(void);
//! Signal the condition variable.
The mutex must be locked before calling this function, and then
subsequently unlocked after this function returns.
void signal(void);
MUTEX mutex_; ##################x LINE 67
CONDITION condition_; ################## LINE 68
} // stk namespace
/*! \class Mutex
\brief STK mutex class.
This class provides a uniform interface for
cross-platform mutex use. On Linux and IRIX
systems, the pthread library is used. Under
Windows, critical sections are used.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011.
#include "Mutex.h"
namespace stk {
Mutex :: Mutex()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&condition_, NULL);
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
condition_ = CreateEvent(NULL, // no security
true, // manual-reset
false, // non-signaled initially
NULL); // unnamed
Mutex :: ~Mutex()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
void Mutex :: lock()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
void Mutex :: unlock()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
void Mutex :: wait()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
pthread_cond_wait(&condition_, &mutex_);
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
WaitForMultipleObjects(1, &condition_, false, INFINITE);
void Mutex :: signal()
#if (defined(__OS_IRIX__) || defined(__OS_LINUX__) || defined(__OS_MACOSX__))
#elif defined(__OS_WINDOWS__)
} // stk namespace
#include "WvOut.h"
#include "RtAudio.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
namespace stk {
/*! \class RtWvOut
\brief STK realtime audio (blocking) output class.
This class provides a simplified interface to RtAudio for realtime
audio output. It is a subclass of WvOut. This class makes use of
RtAudio's callback functionality by creating a large ring-buffer
into which data is written. This class should not be used when
low-latency is desired.
RtWvOut supports multi-channel data in interleaved format. It is
important to distinguish the tick() method that outputs a single
sample to all channels in a sample frame from the overloaded one
that takes a reference to an StkFrames object for multi-channel
and/or multi-frame data.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011.
class RtWvOut : public WvOut
//! Default constructor.
The default \e device argument value (zero) will select the
default output device on your system. The first device enumerated
by the underlying audio API is specified with a value of one. The
default buffer size of RT_BUFFER_SIZE is defined in Stk.h. An
StkError will be thrown if an error occurs duing instantiation.
RtWvOut(unsigned int nChannels = 1, StkFloat sampleRate = Stk::sampleRate(),
int device = 0, int bufferFrames = RT_BUFFER_SIZE, int nBuffers = 20);
//! Class destructor.
//! Start the audio output stream.
The stream is started automatically, if necessary, when a
tick() method is called.
void start(void);
//! Stop the audio output stream.
It may be necessary to use this method to avoid undesireable
audio buffer cycling if you wish to temporarily stop audio output.
void stop(void);
//! Output a single sample to all channels in a sample frame.
If the device is "stopped", it is "started".
void tick(const StkFloat sample);
//! Output the StkFrames data.
If the device is "stopped", it is "started". The number of
channels in the StkFrames argument must equal the number of
channels specified during instantiation. However, this is only
checked if _STK_DEBUG_ is defined during compilation, in which
case an incompatibility will trigger an StkError exception.
void tick(const StkFrames& frames);
// This function is not intended for general use but must be
// public for access from the audio callback function.
int readBuffer(void *buffer, unsigned int frameCount);
RtAudio dac_;
Mutex mutex_;
bool stopped_;
unsigned int readIndex_;
unsigned int writeIndex_;
long framesFilled_;
unsigned int status_; // running = 0, emptying buffer = 1, finished = 2
} // stk namespace
錯誤表示「MUTEX」和「CONDITION」未定義。所以看起來你的系統上沒有宏__OS_IRIX__,__OS_LINUX__,__OS_MACOSX__和__OS_WINDOWS__。也許你需要在'#include「Mutex.h」'之前包含其他內容? – 2012-04-26 08:36:49
是的,你是對的。現在,它的工作,謝謝:) – 2012-04-26 08:47:22