2016-04-29 35 views




  1. 貝寶迴應:
  2. - >
  3. 製作爲 'api-3t.paypal.com/nvp'
  4. 連接,捲曲的方法新的連接成功
  5. 發送此參數:
  6. METHOD = Se tExpressCheckout & VERSION = 106 & PWD = L2JP7EMP7JR32JCP & USER = sales_api1.a1mcganns.co.uk & SIGNATURE = AENSDlLTRY8C54MMOG29Y0inxhFWAgY-7uEg9VqBu-bS11n1QZx2H3Nv & CANCELURL = HTTP%3A%2F%2Fwww.a1mcganns.co.uk%2Fgb%2Forder%3Fpaypal_ec_canceled% 3D1%26 & RETURNURL = HTTP%3A%2F%2Fwww.a1mcganns.co.uk%2Fmodules%2Fpaypal%2Fexpress_checkout%2Fpayment.php & NOSHIPPING = 1 & BUTTONSOURCE = PRESTASHOP_EC & L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0 = 1733 & L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0 = Cycliq +粉煤灰+ 12 +前+ 1080p +相機+和+ 400 +流明+自行車+光+%28包含+ 16GB + SD +卡%29 & L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0 =包含+ 16GB + SD +卡... & L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0 = 229.99 & L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0 = 1個& PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION =塞爾& PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE = GBP & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT = 0.00 & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT = 229.99 & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT = 229.99 & ADDROVERRIDE = 1 & EMAIL =菲爾%40wilkinson3.fsworld.co.uk & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME = P +威爾金森& PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOPHONENUM =% 2B447595914321& PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET = 63 & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET2 = +北安普頓巷北+ & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCITY =北安普敦& PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE = GB & PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPT OZIP = NN3 + 7QY & SOLUTIONTYPE =鞋底&的LandingPage =登錄& USER = sales_api1.a1mcganns.co.uk & PWD = L2JP7EMP7JR32JCP & SIGNATURE = AENSDlLTRY8C54MMOG29Y0inxhFWAgY-7uEg9VqBu-bS11n1QZx2H3Nv
  7. ,捲曲方法失敗發送!錯誤:無法解析主機「api-3t.paypal.com」
  8. 連接失敗的fsockopen方法



問候 菲爾


無法解析主機'api-3t.paypal.com'可能是一個開始。檢查DNS /主機配置 – ChrisBint



Check the curl error,看看到底發生了什麼。我的猜測是,你會得到一些「ssl握手失敗」的東西。

如果是這種情況,您需要查看this post about POODLE


As of 01.19.2016 PayPal now supports only TLS 1.2 on the sandbox (and in June the same will apply to production systems).

If you want to use TLS 1.2 you’ll need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1 as a minimum, and then you’ll be able to set CURLOPT_SSLVERSION to 6 (TLS 1.2).

If you want TLS 1.2 to be used automatically during SSL requests, you’ll also need to upgrade to PHP 5.5.19+ (this is the ideal solution but many projects are still on older PHP versions).