我有一個網站,它連接到MySQL數據庫和它使用位於/home/user/public_html/inc/instance-config.php一個文件中定義的一些其他的密碼。PHP僅僅有時會導致錯誤500 ...。這是什麼錯誤?
我想保持對安全的/ public_html目錄上面我的密碼。基本上,我做了一個叫/home/user/secrets.php文件和主配置文件應當要求該文件,並從它那裏得到的密碼。 但它沒有。
$secrets = str_replace ('public_html', '', getcwd()) . 'secrets.php';
if (file_exists($secrets)){
include $secrets ;
**// confirm that the values where imported**
moo('The secret value is ' . $secret_value);
$config['db']['type'] = 'mysql';
$config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['database'] = 'xxxxxxx';
$config['db']['user'] = 'xxxxxxx';
$config['db']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx';
$config['cookies']['mod'] = 'xxxxxxxx';
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'xxxxxx';
03/28/2013 07:36:52 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 07:36:55 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 07:36:55 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:56 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 07:36:57 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:57 am -- Rebuilt page 1 from ALL
03/28/2013 07:36:57 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:58 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 06:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
03/28/2013 07:36:59 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
moo(':: GET READY');
if (file_exists($secrets)){
require $secrets ;
if (isset ($secret_value))
moo('The secret value is ' . $secret_value);
moo('Required but could not find the secret value');
$config['db']['type'] = 'mysql';
$config['db']['server'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['database'] = 'xxxxxx';
$config['db']['user'] = 'xxxxxxxx';
$config['db']['password'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$config['cookies']['mod'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$config['cookies']['salt'] = 'xxxxxxxxx';
moo('The secret value was not obtained');
03/28/2013 07:41:07 am -- :: GET READY ::
03/28/2013 07:41:07 am -- The secret value is Everything OK!
// this adds /home/user to the include path, because secret.php
// is located at /home/user/secret.php
if (false == strpos(ini_get('include_path'), exec('echo ~'))) {
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':' . exec('echo ~'));
// log errors to see if we can find the cause of the problem
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', '/home/user/errors.log');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
// get absolute path of the file
$secrets = str_replace ('public_html', '', getcwd()) . 'secreto.php';
你還檢查了服務器(Apache?)錯誤日誌文件嗎? – Havelock
注意'file_exists()'不是真的可靠,因爲它會返回true,如果你傳遞一個目錄名。更好地使用'is_file()'。 – Havelock
但不是代碼找到屬於該文件一部分的「secret_value」的值,足以證明該文件被正確包含?爲什麼500? –