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McLain-Graning MaKayla, CSIS 140, Fall 2015
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<h2>Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)</h2>
The greatest mathematician of the eighteenth century,
<strong>Leonhard Euler</strong> was born in Basel, Switzerland. There,
he studied under another giant of mathematics, <strong>Jean
Bernoulli</strong>. In 1731 Euler became a professor of physics
and mathematics at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
Euler was the most prolific mathematician of all time,
publishing over 800 different books and papers. His
influence was felt in physics and astronomy as well.
He is perhaps best known for his research into
mathematical analysis. Euler's work,
Introductio in analysin infinitorum (1748),
remained a standard textbook in the field for
well over a century. For the princess of Anhalt-Dessau he wrote
Lettres a une princesse d'Allemagne (1768-1772),
giving a clear non-technical outline of the main
physical theories of the time.
One can hardly write a mathematical equation without
copying Euler. Notations still in use today, such
as e and pi, were introduced
in Euler's writings. Leonhard Euler died in 1783,
leaving behind a legacy perhaps unmatched, and
certainly unsurpassed, in the annals of mathematics.
<h1>The Most Beautiful Theorem?</h1>
<p>Euler's Equation:</p>
<p>cos(x) + i*sin(x) = e to the power (i*x)</p>
<p>demonstrates the relationship between algebra,
complex analysis, and trigonometry. From this
equation, it's easy to derive the identity:
<p>e to the power (pi*i) + 1 = 0</p>
<p>which relates the fundamental constants:
0, 1, pi, e, and i in a single beautiful and
elegant statement. A poll of readers
conducted by The Mathematical Intelligencer
magazine named Euler's Identity as the
most beautiful theorem in the history of
<p>Math High: A Site for Educators and Researchers</p>
爲什麼不使用CSS? – Manu
你試過的CSS在哪裏? – amespower
如果我使用CSS,那麼我將如何將它移動到右側並在其後面放置背景?我知道這可能聽起來超級簡單......但我的學校的老師非常糟糕,無法教授基本知識。 – Cakers