我用.Net編寫函數來解密使用私鑰,使用公鑰加密。 我也RSA簽署和驗證,並有一個合理的理解這一切,我認爲如何工作。
public static string DecryptUsingPublic(string dataEncrypted, string publicKey)
if (dataEncrypted == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataEncrypted");
if (publicKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("publicKey");
RSAParameters _publicKey = LoadRsaPublicKey(publicKey, false);
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = InitRSAProvider(_publicKey);
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(dataEncrypted);
byte[] decryptedBytes = rsa.Decrypt(bytes, true);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes);
return null;
private static RSAParameters LoadRsaPublicKey(String publicKeyFilePath, Boolean isFile)
RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters();
byte[] pubkey = ReadFileKey(publicKeyFilePath, "PUBLIC KEY", isFile);
byte[] SeqOID = { 0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00 };
byte[] seq = new byte[15];
// --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------
MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(pubkey);
BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem); //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading
byte bt = 0;
ushort twobytes = 0;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return RSAKeyInfo;
seq = binr.ReadBytes(15); //read the Sequence OID
if (!CompareBytearrays(seq, SeqOID)) //make sure Sequence for OID is correct
return RSAKeyInfo;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8103) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Bit String is 03 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8203)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return RSAKeyInfo;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt != 0x00) //expect null byte next
return RSAKeyInfo;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return RSAKeyInfo;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
byte lowbyte = 0x00;
byte highbyte = 0x00;
if (twobytes == 0x8102) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Integer is 02 81)
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // read next bytes which is bytes in modulus
else if (twobytes == 0x8202)
highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); //advance 2 bytes
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte();
return RSAKeyInfo;
byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 }; //reverse byte order since asn.1 key uses big endian order
int modsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0);
byte firstbyte = binr.ReadByte();
binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
if (firstbyte == 0x00)
{ //if first byte (highest order) of modulus is zero, don't include it
binr.ReadByte(); //skip this null byte
modsize -= 1; //reduce modulus buffer size by 1
byte[] modulus = binr.ReadBytes(modsize); //read the modulus bytes
if (binr.ReadByte() != 0x02) //expect an Integer for the exponent data
return RSAKeyInfo;
int expbytes = (int)binr.ReadByte(); // should only need one byte for actual exponent data (for all useful values)
byte[] exponent = binr.ReadBytes(expbytes);
RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = modulus;
RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent;
return RSAKeyInfo;
catch (Exception)
return RSAKeyInfo;
finally { binr.Close(); }
//return RSAparams;
private static RSACryptoServiceProvider InitRSAProvider(RSAParameters rsaParam)
// Initailize the CSP
// Supresses creation of a new key
CspParameters csp = new CspParameters();
//csp.KeyContainerName = "RSA Test (OK to Delete)";
const int PROV_RSA_FULL = 1;
csp.ProviderType = PROV_RSA_FULL;
const int AT_KEYEXCHANGE = 1;
// const int AT_SIGNATURE = 2;
csp.KeyNumber = AT_KEYEXCHANGE;
// Initialize the Provider
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa =
new RSACryptoServiceProvider(csp);
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
// The moment of truth...
return rsa;
private static int GetIntegerSize(BinaryReader binr)
byte bt = 0;
byte lowbyte = 0x00;
byte highbyte = 0x00;
int count = 0;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt != 0x02) //expect integer
return 0;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt == 0x81)
count = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next byte
if (bt == 0x82)
highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next 2 bytes
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte();
byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 };
count = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0);
count = bt; // we already have the data size
while (binr.ReadByte() == 0x00)
{ //remove high order zeros in data
count -= 1;
binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); //last ReadByte wasn't a removed zero, so back up a byte
return count;
private static bool CompareBytearrays(byte[] a, byte[] b)
if (a.Length != b.Length)
return false;
int i = 0;
foreach (byte c in a)
if (c != b[i])
return false;
return true;
說什麼?這正是算法應該做的。使用私鑰解密使用相應公鑰加密的內容。無論你是困惑的大時間還是我! C#完全支持RSA :) –
對不起。編輯我的問題。我完全寫錯了。星期五大腦開始爭吵。 –
你不能弄清楚什麼?你說你已經有了使用公鑰解密的功能。 – James