2014-03-25 157 views

我必須使用從PHP接收的JSON數據在ExtJS 4.2中填充組合框。 到目前爲止的代碼: 數據存儲:使用JSON填充組合框ExtJS 4.2

var Cstates = new Ext.data.Store({ 
    autoLoad: true, 
    url: 'data.php', 
    storeId: 'Cstates', 
    reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ 
     root: 'state' 
    idProperty: 'abbr', 
    fields: ['abbr', 'name'] 


    xtype: 'combo', 
    id: 'cmbState', 
    fieldLabel: ' Select state :', 
    triggerAction: 'all', 
    store: Cstates, 
    queryMode: 'local', 
    valueField: 'abbr', 
    displayField: 'name', 
    triggerAction: 'all', 
    typeAhead: true, 
    emptyText: '* All States', 
    forceSelection: true, 
    selectOnFocus: true, 
    allowBlank: false, 
    selectOnTab: true, 
    //hidden: true, 
    disabled: true 



而且以後我需要填充此組合框與將要返回的其他值從相同的格式從一個PHP使用GET即data.php?region = EAST。


所以究竟是什麼問題?你有嘗試過什麼嗎?你有什麼錯誤或什麼? – lascort


你在看如何從新的URL重新加載'商店'? – weeksdev


已經嘗試了像JSONReader這樣的東西,但都沒有工作,上面的代碼不會填充組合框,甚至螢火蟲顯示沒有GET請求被解僱的PHP。 – user2612159




// first combobox model definition 
Ext.define('ArticleMainGroup', { 
    extend: 'Ext.data.Model', 
    fields: [ 
     {name: 'PWHG', type: 'int'}, 
     {name: 'PWHG_BEZ', type: 'string'} 

// first combobox store definition 
var articleMain = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ 
    model: 'ArticleMainGroup', 
    autoLoad: true, 
    proxy: { 
     type: 'ajax', 
     url: '<?php echo base_url() ?>dashboard/promotion', 
     reader: { 
      type: 'json', 
      root: 'ArticleMainGroup', 
      idProperty: 'PWHG' 

// second combobox store definition 
var articleBase = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ 
    model: 'ArticleBaseGroup', 
    proxy: { 
     type: 'ajax', 
     url: '<?php echo base_url() ?>dashboard/promotion', 
     reader: { 
      type: 'json', 
      root: 'ArticleBaseGroup', 
      idProperty: 'PWG' 

// first combobox definition 
    xtype: 'combobox', 
    fieldLabel: 'ANA MAL GRUBU', 
    store: articleMain, 
    id: 'art-main-group', 
    queryMode: 'local', 
    autoSelect: true, 
    forceSelection: true, 
    triggerAction: 'all', 
    inputWidth: 240, 
    margin: '5 0 0 0', 
    listConfig: { cls: 'combo-dep' }, 
    valueField: 'PWHG', 
    displayField: 'PWHG_BEZ', 
    listeners: { 
     select: function(combo) { 
       * this is the important part 
       * articleBase is a store definition which is bound to second combobox 
       * when we send a parameter by extraParams, the target store using this 
       * parameter via url string 
       * after that we should re-load the target store by load() method 
       * as a result, target combobox will populate based on this url parameter 
       * like http://localhost/dashboard?maingroup=10 
      articleBase.proxy.extraParams = {'maingroup': combo.getValue()}; 

// second combobox definition 
    xtype: 'combobox', 
    fieldLabel: 'MAL GRUBU', 
    store: articleBase, 
    id: 'art-base-group', 
    queryMode: 'local', 
    autoSelect: false, 
    forceSelection: true, 
    triggerAction: 'all', 
    editable: false, 
    valueField: 'PWG', 
    displayField: 'PWG_BEZ', 
    inputWidth: 240, 
    margin: '10 0 0 0', 
    listConfig: { cls: 'combo-dep' }, 
    listeners: { 
     select: function(combo) { 
      articleSub.proxy.extraParams = {'maingroup': Ext.getCmp('art-main-group').getValue(), 'basegroup': combo.getValue()} 

感謝它的工作,我想不使用模型是問題。 – user2612159


那你能接受答案嗎? –