import os
csv = """
"KGS ID","Latitude","Longitude","Location","Operator","Lease","API","Elevation","Elev_Ref","Depth_start","Depth_stop","URL"
"1002880800","37.2354869","-100.4607509","T32S R29W, Sec. 27, SW SW NE","Stanolind Oil and Gas Co.","William L. Rickers 1","15-119-00164","2705"," KB","2790","7652","http://www.kgs.ku.edu/WellLogs/32S29W/1043696830.zip"
"1002880821","37.1234622","-100.1158111","T34S R26W, Sec. 2, NW NW NE","SKELLY OIL CO","GRACE MCKINNEY 'A' 1","15-119-00181","2290"," KB","4000","5900","http://www.kgs.ku.edu/WellLogs/34S26W/1043696831.zip"
""".strip() # trim excess space at top and bottom
root_dir = '/tmp/so_test'
lines = csv.split('\n') # break CSV on newlines
header = lines[0].strip('"').split('","') # grab first line and consider it the header
lines_d = [] # we're about to perform the core actions, and we're going to store it in this variable
for l in lines[1:]: # we want all lines except the top line, which is a header
line_broken = l.strip('"').split('","') # strip off leading and trailing double-quote
line_assoc = zip(header, line_broken) # creates a tuple of tuples out of the line with the header at matching position as key
line_dict = dict(line_assoc) # turn this into a dict
section_parts = [s.strip() for s in line_dict['Location'].split(',')] # break Section value to get pieces we need
file_out = os.path.join(root_dir, '%s%s%s%sAPI.las'%(section_parts[0], os.path.sep, section_parts[1], os.path.sep)) # format output filename the way I think is requested
# stuff to show what's actually put in the files
print file_out, ':'
print ' ', '"%s"'%('","'.join(header),)
print ' ', '"%s"'%('","'.join(line_dict[h] for h in header))
~/so_test $ python so_test.py
/tmp/so_test/T32S R29W/Sec. 27/API.las :
"KGS ID","Latitude","Longitude","Location","Operator","Lease","API","Elevation","Elev_Ref","Depth_start","Depth_stop","URL"
"1002880800","37.2354869","-100.4607509","T32S R29W, Sec. 27, SW SW NE","Stanolind Oil and Gas Co.","William L. Rickers 1","15-119-00164","2705"," KB","2790","7652","http://www.kgs.ku.edu/WellLogs/32S29W/1043696830.zip"
/tmp/so_test/T34S R26W/Sec. 2/API.las :
"KGS ID","Latitude","Longitude","Location","Operator","Lease","API","Elevation","Elev_Ref","Depth_start","Depth_stop","URL"
"1002880821","37.1234622","-100.1158111","T34S R26W, Sec. 2, NW NW NE","SKELLY OIL CO","GRACE MCKINNEY 'A' 1","15-119-00181","2290"," KB","4000","5900","http://www.kgs.ku.edu/WellLogs/34S26W/1043696831.zip"
~/so_test $
你嘗試過這麼遠嗎? – Mortz
'進口熊貓作爲PD 數據= pd.read_csv( 'MeadeLAS.csv') 鏈接= data.URL file_names = data.API 用於鏈路,FILE_NAME在拉鍊(鏈接,file_names): 文件= pd.read_csv (鏈接).to_csv(文件名+'。las',索引= False)' – gdink1020
@mortz忘記標記 – gdink1020