2016-06-18 47 views


/*The two statements i want to combine are 
    entry = parseInt(entry); 
    var score1 = entry; */ 

    <!DOCTYPE html> 
     <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
     <title>Average Test Scores</title> 
      var entry; 
      var average; 
      var total = 0; 

      //get 3 scores from user and add them together 
      entry = prompt("Enter test score"); 
      entry = parseInt(entry); 
      var score1 = entry; 
      total = total + score1; 

      entry = prompt("Enter test score"); 
      entry = parseInt(entry); 
      var score2; 
      total = total + score2; 

      entry = prompt("Enter test score"); 
      entry = parseInt(entry); 
      var score3 = entry; 
      total = total + score3; 

      //calculate the average 
      average = parseInt(total/3); 
      document.write("<h1>The Test Scores App</h1>"); 
      document.write("Score 1 = " + score1 + "<br>" + 
       "Score 2 = " + score2 + "<br>" + 
       "Score 3 = " + score3 + "<br><br>" + 
       "Average score = " + average + "<br><br>"); 
     Thanks for using the Test Scores application! 

'變種score1 = parseInt函數(條目); * /' – Rayon


目前還不清楚你的問題是什麼。通過合併這些線,你的意思是什麼? 'var score1 = parseInt(entry);'?爲什麼所有額外的代碼,而不僅僅是這兩行?我明白你有更具體的問題,你沒有直接問。 –


這是本書的練習。它告訴我以某種方式結合這兩條線。所以我只是發佈整個文件,以便大家可以看到。 –



Addition assignmentaddition assignment操作者增加了right operand的值給變量,並將結果賦給該變量。

Unary plus (+)unary plus operator先於其操作數,並計算其操作數,而是試圖將其轉換成number,如果它是不是已經。


var total = 0; 
var score1 = +prompt("Enter test score"); //Cast it to Number 
total += score1; //Add it to total 
var score2 = +prompt("Enter test score"); 
total += score2; 
var score3 = +prompt("Enter test score"); 
total += score3; 
var average = parseInt(total/3); 
document.write("<h1>The Test Scores App</h1>"); 
document.write("Score 1 = " + score1 + "<br>" + 
    "Score 2 = " + score2 + "<br>" + 
    "Score 3 = " + score3 + "<br><br>" + 
    "Average score = " + average + "<br><br>");