2015-05-25 56 views

我正在編寫一個讓用戶輸入郵政編碼和信用卡號碼的網頁,然後檢查他們輸入的郵政編碼是否與郵政編碼中存儲的郵政編碼相匹配信息。我不認爲我可以在authorize.net api上推送卡號,他們會讓我獲得這些信息。檢查輸入的郵政編碼是否與信用卡的郵政編碼相匹配



那麼,檢查他們的文檔,我會說! – arkascha


看起來已經有驗證活動了。 https://www.authorize.net/support/CNP/helpfiles/Account/Settings/Security_Settings/Fraud_Settings/Address_Verification_System_%28AVS%29.htm – RST





您無法編程這樣做,因爲該信息只能從髮卡銀行驗證。所以要做到這一點,你需要使用Address Verification System(AVS)。

要做到這一點,你必須運行要麼獲得$ 0.00 AUTH_ONLY交易,或者如果處理銀行不支持運行$ 0.01 AUTH_ONLY然後VOID撤消交易。然後,您將收到一個AVS結果,您可以使用該結果來提供正確的值。 (您也可以正常處理您的AUTH_CAPTURE交易,然後處理交易失敗的響應VOID)。


B Address information was not submitted in the transaction information, so AVS check could not be performed 
E The AVS data provided is invalid, or AVS is not allowed for the card type submitted 
R AVS was unavailable at the time the transaction was processed. Retry transaction 
G The credit card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin and does not support AVS 
U Address information is not available for the customer's credit card 
S The U.S. card issuing bank does not support AVS 
N Neither the street address nor the 5-digit ZIP code matches the address and ZIP code on file for the card 
A The street address matches, but the 5-digit ZIP code does not 
Z The first 5 digits of the ZIP code matches, but the street address does not match 
W The 9-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address does not match 
Y The street address and the first 5 digits of the ZIP code match perfectly 

