2011-03-18 122 views



下面的代碼做了幾件事情,首先它將獲得所有商店的類別 - 然後在繼續之前檢查它們是否處於活動狀態。

代碼禮貌:magentocommerce forum

    /* Get the categories that are active for the store */ 
     /* Get the current category the user is in */ 
     /* Get the current category path */ 
     $_categorypath = $this->getCurrentCategoryPath(); 
     if ($_main_categories): 
      /* This bit cycles through the categories - setting the next one to current */ 
      foreach ($_main_categories as $_main_category): 
       $layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer'); 
     /* Write the main categories */   
     <li><a href="<?php echo $this->getCurrentCategory()->getUrl()?>"><?php echo $this->getCurrentCategory()->getName();?></a></li> 
     /* Check the category variable loop against the current category path if it is - print sub categories */ 
     if (in_array($this->getCurrentCategory()->getId(), $_categorypath)): ?> 
     <?php $_maincategorylisting=$this->getCurrentCategory()?>      
     <?php $_categories=$this->getCurrentChildCategories()?> 
     <?php if($_categories->count()):?> 
     <? foreach ($_categories as $_category):?>     
     <? if($_category->getIsActive()):     
       $layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer'); 
     <li><a href="<?php echo $this->getCategoryUrl($_category)?>"> <?php echo $_category->getName()?></a></li> 
      <? endif;?> 
     <?php /* This resets the category back to the original pages category 
     ****  If this is not done, subsequent calls on the same page will use the last category 
     **** in the foreach loop 
     */ ?> 
     <?php $layer->setCurrentCategory($_current_category); ?> 
     <p>$_main_categories array was empty.</p> 
     <p>This might be because you are referencing this phtml file with a wrong type attribute. You should use <block type="catalog/navigation" ... /> !</p> 
     <?php endif; ?> 

感謝您的建議。但我想知道如何使用它。 – Aisha 2011-03-18 09:18:02


這種方法和這裏列出的方法相結合:http://samsami2u.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/add-categories-with-images-on-homepage-magento/似乎已經解決了我的這個問題。 – Dan 2011-08-03 17:07:10
