protected void reduce(StringLongCompositeKey key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {}
foreach(Text text : values) {
// do some operations with one record and then emit it using context.write
// so nothing is storing in memory, one text record is small (mo more then 1000 chars)
14/09/25 17點54分59秒INFO mapreduce.Job:地圖100%減少28%
14/09/25 17點57分14秒INFO mapreduce.Job:任務標識:attempt_1410255753549_9772_r_000020_0,狀態:失敗
Container [pid = 24481,containerID = container_1410255753549_9772_01_001594]超出了物理內存限制。當前使用情況:使用4 GB物理內存4.1 GB;使用4.8 GB的8.4 GB虛擬內存。殺死容器。
有一個細微差別 - )
Iterable<Text> values