private void ensurePositions(ref Dictionary<int, DisplayUnit> dict)
var keys = dict.Keys.ToArray();
foreach(var key in keys)
dict[key].PositionInEvent = key;
/// <summary>
/// This is the base display unit from which all other units are derived.
/// </summary>
public abstract class DisplayUnit
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AbstractClasses.DisplayUnit"/> class.
/// </summary>
protected DisplayUnit (Dictionary<string,string> attributes)
this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
protected DisplayUnit(Guid id, Dictionary<string,string> attributes)
this.Id = id;
private void tryApplyAttributes(Dictionary<string,string> attributes)
string name;
attributes.TryGetValue("Name", out name);
Name = name;
string description;
attributes.TryGetValue("Description", out description);
Description = description;
string dateTime;
attributes.TryGetValue ("DateCreated", out dateTime);
DateTime date;
DateTime.TryParse(dateTime,out date);
DateCreated = date;
string guid;
attributes.TryGetValue("AssociatedEvent", out guid);
Guid id;
Guid.TryParse(guid, out id);
AssociatedEvent = id;
string group;
attributes.TryGetValue("GroupId", out group);
Guid groupId;
var groupSet = Guid.TryParse(group, out groupId);
string posInGroup;
attributes.TryGetValue("PositionInGroup", out posInGroup);
int intPos;
var posSet = int.TryParse(posInGroup, out intPos);
if (posSet && groupSet)
UnitGroup = new DisplayUnitGrouping (intPos, groupId);
string pos;
attributes.TryGetValue("PositionInEvent", out pos);
int position;
int.TryParse (pos, out position);
PositionInEvent = position;
public Guid Id {
private set;
private int _positionInEvent;
public int PositionInEvent {
return _positionInEvent;
set {
if (value < 0) {
throw new NegativePositionException ("Position of DisplayUnit must be positive.");
_positionInEvent = value;
public class TextUnit : DisplayUnit
public string Text {
public TextUnit (Dictionary<string, string> attributes) : base (attributes)
SetAttributes (attributes);
Plugin = new FaithEngage.Plugins.DisplayUnits.TextUnitPlugin.TextUnitPlugin();
public TextUnit (Guid id, Dictionary<string, string> attributes) : base (id, attributes)
SetAttributes (attributes);
#region implemented abstract members of DisplayUnit
public override void SetAttributes (Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
string text;
attributes.TryGetValue ("text", out text);
Text = text;
正在使用的字典來自此處。 _duRepo
public Dictionary<int, DisplayUnit> GetByEvent(Guid eventId)
try {
var returnDict = new Dictionary<int,DisplayUnit>();
var dict = _duRepo.GetByEvent(eventId);
if (dict == null)
return null;
foreach(var key in dict.Keys)
var du = _factory.ConvertFromDto(dict [key]);
if(du == null) continue;
returnDict.Add (key, du);
ensurePositions(ref returnDict);
return returnDict;
} catch (RepositoryException ex) {
throw new RepositoryException ("There was a problem accessing the DisplayUnitRepository", ex);
public void GetByEvent_ValidEventId_ReturnsDictOfEvents()
var dict = new Dictionary<int,DisplayUnitDTO>();
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
dict.Add(i, new DisplayUnitDTO());
var repo = A.Fake<IDisplayUnitsRepository>();
A.CallTo(() => repo.GetByEvent(VALID_GUID)).Returns(dict);
A.CallTo(() => _fctry.ConvertFromDto(null))
new TextUnit(
new Dictionary<string,string>(){
{ "Text", "This is my Text" }
A.CallTo (() => _container.Resolve<IDisplayUnitsRepository>()).Returns(repo);
var mgr = new DisplayUnitsRepoManager(_container);
var duDict = mgr.GetByEvent(VALID_GUID);
Assert.That(duDict, Is.InstanceOf(typeof(Dictionary<int,DisplayUnit>)));
Assert.That(duDict, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(duDict.Count == 5);
foreach(var key in duDict.Keys)
Assert.That(duDict[key].PositionInEvent == key);
你是如何創建顯示單元對象的。它看起來像字典中的所有四個項目都引用相同的DusplayUnit實例。 – ShuberFu
您是否也可以顯示'DisplayUnit'的聲明?順便說一句:'ref'關鍵詞似乎沒有必要,因爲你只是改變該字典的內容,而不是引用本身,但這不應該是錯誤。 –
我爲此創建了一個簡單的JS小提琴:https://dotnetfiddle.net/T1Z9PW。我同意斯特林W說你的字典的構建是可疑的。 – syazdani