2017-09-13 56 views

我想寫一個AppleScript是寫: - 打開一個新窗口 - 改變目錄 - 拆分窗格垂直放到同一個目錄 - 在左窗格中 寫的文字 - 在右窗格中的iTerm的AppleScript在兩個不同的verticle窗格



tell application "iTerm" 
     set myterm to create window with default profile 
     tell myterm 
      activate current session 
      launch session "Default Session" 
      tell the current session 
      write text "cd ~/Desktop" 
      write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=476E9E8C-8248-4EF6-8054-67900D603E83' test | xcpretty" 
      end tell 
    end tell 
    set myterm to create window with default profile 
    tell myterm 
     activate current session 
     launch session "Default Session" 
     tell the current session 
      write text "cd ~/Desktop" 
      write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests2 -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=F3DEA448-147B-4DDB-AD83-16D18BA1A87F' test | xcpretty" 
     end tell 
    end tell 





tell application "iTerm" 
    set myterm to create window with default profile 
    tell myterm 
     activate current session 
     launch session "Default Session" 
     tell the current session 
      write text "cd ~/Desktop" 

      -- use 'without newline' to write without executing the command 
      write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=476E9E8C-8248-4EF6-8054-67900D603E83' test | xcpretty" without newline 
      tell (split vertically with same profile) 
       write text "cd ~/Desktop" 

       -- use 'without newline' to write without executing the command 
       write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests2 -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=F3DEA448-147B-4DDB-AD83-16D18BA1A87F' test | xcpretty" without newline 
      end tell 
     end tell 
     write (sessions of current tab) text linefeed -- append newline to the last line of each session to executes both panes simultaneously. 
    end tell 
end tell 

驚人謝謝! – Wazza
