2017-04-18 114 views


Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Dim curp, fname, lname1, lname2, gender As String, i, pos As Long, asciinum As String, f As Long, validar As Boolean, fechaNac As Date 

    With Worksheets("sheet1") 
     For f = 2 To Cells(.Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row 
      curp = Cells(f, "L").Value2 
      fname = Cells(f, "F").Value2 
      lname1 = Cells(f, "I").Value2 
      lname2 = Cells(f, "J").Value 
      gender = Cells(f, "k").Value2 
      fechaNac = Cells(f, "P").Value2 
' works   validar = CheckFirstLetter(lname1, curp, 1, f) 
' works   validar = CheckFirstVowel(lname1, curp, 2, f) 
      validar = CheckFirstLetter(lname2, curp, 3, f) 
'   validar = CheckFirstLetter(fname, curp, 4) 
'   validar = CheckDate(fechaNac, curp, 5) 
'   validar = CheckGender(gender, curp, 11) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(lname1, curp, 12, 2) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(lname2, curp, 13, 2) 
'   pos = posVowel(fname) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(fname, curp, 14, pos) 
      If (validar = True) Then 
      Cells(f, "N") = "Valido" 
      Else: Cells(f, "N") = "No Valido" 
      End If 
     Next f 
    End With 
End Sub 

Function CheckFirstLetter(mystring, text, indexCurp, index) As Boolean 
      Dim outStr, asciinum, vocal, vocal2 As String, ary As Variant, i As Long 
      ary = Split(mystring, " ") 
      vocal = LCase(ary(LBound(ary))) Breaks in this line 
      vocal2 = LCase(ary(UBound(ary))) 
      If (vocal = "de" Or vocal = "del") Then 
      vocal = vocal2 
      End If 
      outStr = LCase(Mid(text, indexCurp, 1)) 
      asciinum = LCase(Mid(vocal, 1, 1)) 
      Cells(index, "M") = vocal 
      Cells(index, "O") = vocal2 
      If (asciinum = outStr) Then 
       CheckFirstLetter = True 
       Else: CheckFirstLetter = False 
       End If 
End Function 

2 lbound和ubound的原因是因爲有時字符串有不同的長度,我只想說出最後一個字。但它打破了這個特定的空間。我猜是因爲我沒有指向正確的細胞?





Dim SomeVariable1, SomeVariable2, SomeVariable3 as String 


Dim SomeVariable1 as Variant, SomeVariable2 as Variant, SomeVariable3 as String 



Cells(f, "K").Value 



CheckFirstLetter(mystring, text, indexCurp, index) As Boolean 


CheckFirstLetter(mystring as Variant, text as Variant, indexCurp as Variant, index as Variant) As Boolean 


私人小組的Form_Load() 昏暗curp作爲字符串 昏暗FNAME作爲字符串 昏暗lname1作爲字符串 昏暗lname2作爲字符串 昏暗性別作爲字符串

Dim i As Long 
Dim pos As Long 
Dim asciinum As String 
Dim f As Long ' Why jump back to f if you have i declared? It doesnt make a difference, but usually the next logical choice is j 
Dim validar As Boolean 
Dim fechaNac As Date 

With Worksheets("sheet1") 
    For f = 2 To Cells(.Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row 
     ' Be sure to qualify ALL references. 
     curp = .Cells(f, "L").Value2 
     fname = .Cells(f, "F").Value2 
     lname1 = .Cells(f, "I").Value2 
     lname2 = .Cells(f, "J").Value 
     gender = .Cells(f, "k").Value2 
     fechaNac = .Cells(f, "P").Value2 
' works   validar = CheckFirstLetter(lname1, curp, 1, f) 
' works   validar = CheckFirstVowel(lname1, curp, 2, f) 
      validar = CheckFirstLetter(lname2, curp, 3, f) 
'   validar = CheckFirstLetter(fname, curp, 4) 
'   validar = CheckDate(fechaNac, curp, 5) 
'   validar = CheckGender(gender, curp, 11) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(lname1, curp, 12, 2) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(lname2, curp, 13, 2) 
'   pos = posVowel(fname) 
'   validar = CheckConsonant(fname, curp, 14, pos) 
      If (validar = True) Then 
       .Cells(f, "N") = "Valido" 
       .Cells(f, "N") = "No Valido" 
      End If 
    End With 
End Sub 

Function CheckFirstLetter(mystring As String, text As String, indexCurp As Long, index As Long) As Boolean 
      Dim i As Long 

      Dim ary As Variant 
      ary = Split(mystring, " ") 

      Dim vocal As String 
      vocal = LCase(ary(LBound(ary))) 'Breaks in this line 

      Dim vocal2 As String 
      vocal2 = LCase(ary(UBound(ary))) 

      If (vocal = "de" Or vocal = "del") Then 
       vocal = vocal2 
      End If 

      Dim outStr As String 
      outStr = LCase(Mid(text, indexCurp, 1)) 

      Dim asciinum As String 
      asciinum = LCase(Mid(vocal, 1, 1)) 

      ' Qualify these cell references 
      Cells(index, "M") = vocal 
      Cells(index, "O") = vocal2 

      ' I dont know if the parentheses are needed here, I just like them 
      CheckFirstLetter = (asciinum = outStr) 

'   If (asciinum = outStr) Then 
'    CheckFirstLetter = True 
'   Else 
'    CheckFirstLetter = False 
'   End If 
End Function 


If True = True Then: Debug.Print True 
Else: Debug.Print False 
End If 


Result = True = False 
Result = (True = False)