// Some dummy types so the following will type-check.
struct Statement;
impl Statement {
fn new(stmt: &str, args: usize) -> Self { Statement }
fn bind_int(self, pos: usize, value: i32) -> Result<Self,()> { Ok(self) }
fn bind_float(self, pos: usize, value: f32) -> Result<Self,()> { Ok(self) }
fn bind_string(self, pos: usize, value: String) -> Result<Self,()> { Ok(self) }
struct Session;
impl Session {
fn execute(&self, stmt: Statement) {}
// The supporting `BindArgument` trait.
trait BindArgument {
fn bind(stmt: Statement, pos: usize, value: Self) -> Statement;
impl BindArgument for i32 {
fn bind(stmt: Statement, pos: usize, value: Self) -> Statement {
stmt.bind_int(pos, value).unwrap()
impl BindArgument for f32 {
fn bind(stmt: Statement, pos: usize, value: Self) -> Statement {
stmt.bind_float(pos, value).unwrap()
impl BindArgument for String {
fn bind(stmt: Statement, pos: usize, value: Self) -> Statement {
stmt.bind_string(pos, value).unwrap()
// The macro itself.
macro_rules! prepare {
// These three are taken straight from
// https://danielkeep.github.io/tlborm/book/
(@as_expr $e:expr) => {$e};
(@count_tts $($tts:tt)*) => {
<[()]>::len(&[$(prepare!(@replace_tt $tts())),*])
(@replace_tt $_tt:tt $e:expr) => {$e};
// This is how we bind *one* argument.
(@bind_arg $stmt:expr, $args:expr, $pos:tt, $t:ty) => {
prepare!(@as_expr <$t as BindArgument>::bind($stmt, $pos, $args.$pos))
// This is how we bind *N* arguments. Note that because you can't do
// arithmetic in macros, we have to spell out every supported integer.
// This could *maybe* be factored down with some more work, but that
// can be homework. ;)
(@bind_args $stmt:expr, $args:expr, 0, $next:ty, $($tys:ty,)*) => {
prepare!(@bind_args prepare!(@bind_arg $stmt, $args, 0, $next), $args, 1, $($tys,)*)
(@bind_args $stmt:expr, $args:expr, 1, $next:ty, $($tys:ty,)*) => {
prepare!(@bind_args prepare!(@bind_arg $stmt, $args, 1, $next), $args, 2, $($tys,)*)
(@bind_args $stmt:expr, $args:expr, 2, $next:ty, $($tys:ty,)*) => {
prepare!(@bind_args prepare!(@bind_arg $stmt, $args, 2, $next), $args, 3, $($tys,)*)
(@bind_args $stmt:expr, $_args:expr, $_pos:tt,) => {
// Finally, the entry point of the macro.
($stmt:expr, $($tys:ty),* $(,)*) => {
// I cheated: rather than face the horror of trying to *also* do
// unique identifiers, I just shoved the arguments into a tuple, so
// that I could just re-use the position.
fn prepared_statement(args: ($($tys,)*)) -> Statement {
let statement = Statement::new(
prepare!(@count_tts $(($tys))*));
prepare!(@bind_args statement, args, 0, $($tys,)*)
fn main() {
let session = Session;
let prepared = prepare!(
r#"insert into blah (id, name, reading) values (?, ?, ?)"#,
i32, String, f32);
// Don't use .to_string() for &str -> String; it's horribly inefficient.
let stmt = prepared((1, "test".to_owned(), 3.1));
fn main() {
let session = Session;
let prepared = {
fn prepared_statement(args: (i32, String, f32)) -> Statement {
let statement = Statement::new(
r#"insert into blah (id, name, reading) values (?, ?, ?)"#,
<f32 as BindArgument>::bind(
<String as BindArgument>::bind(
<i32 as BindArgument>::bind(
statement, 0, args.0),
1, args.1),
2, args.2)
// Don't use .to_string() for &str -> String; it's horribly inefficient.
let stmt = prepared((1, "test".to_owned(), 3.1));
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