我想下載並使用URLSession保存視頻,然後在視頻播放器中播放。但不知何故,它不是在玩,而是在崩潰應用程序。這裏是它的代碼。我已經嘗試幾乎所有的東西來使用nativePath,getNativePath(),file.resolve()來讀取文件的確切路徑,但似乎沒有任何工作。看看代碼並提出解決方案。這是iOS版本。 (IOS版本8.4)如何使用URLSession下載視頻,保存並在Appcelerator鈦中播放?


var args = arguments[0] || {}; 

    var vidWin = $.winTestVideo; 
    var isDownloading = false; 

    var urlSession = require("com.appcelerator.urlSession"); 
    var downloadSession; 

    var urlArray = ["http://www.kaltura.com/p/{PARTNERID}/sp/{SUBPARTNERID}/playManifest/entryId/{entryId}/format/applhttp/protocol/http/flavorId/{flavorId}/video.mp4", 

    var urlArrIndex = 0; 
    var progress; 
    var videoPlayer; 
    var imageUrl = 'http://dreamatico.com/data_images/rose/rose-4.jpg'; 
    var img; 
    function onLoad() { 
     Alloy.Globals.CurrentWindowName = 'testvideoplayer'; 
     var triggerBtn = Ti.UI.createButton({ 
      top : 10, 
      width : Ti.UI.FILL, 
      height : 40, 
      backgroundColor : "#cccccc", 
      color : "#000000", 
      title : "Download Videos" 
     triggerBtn.addEventListener('click', downloadVideoBackround2); 

     progress = Titanium.UI.createProgressBar({ 
      width : 200, 
      height : 20, 
      min : 0, 
      max : 1, 
      value : 0, 
      top : 60, 
      backgroundColor : "#0000ff", 
      style : Ti.UI.iPhone.ProgressBarStyle.BAR, 



     img = Ti.UI.createImageView({ 
      width : 100, 
      height : 100, 
      backgroundColor : "#cccccc" 



    function createVideoPlayer() { 
     videoPlayer = Ti.Media.createVideoPlayer({ 
      width : Ti.UI.FILL, 
      height : 240, 
      top : 100, 
      mediaControlStyle : Titanium.Media.VIDEO_CONTROL_DEFAULT, 
      scalingMode : Titanium.Media.VIDEO_SCALING_ASPECT_FIT, 
      backgroundColor : "#000000", 

     videoPlayer.removeEventListener('playbackstate', playbackStateEventListener); 
     videoPlayer.addEventListener('playbackstate', playbackStateEventListener); 

    // Require in the urlSession module 
    var urlSession = require("com.appcelerator.urlSession"); 
    var session; 
    // App UI 

    function playbackStateEventListener(evt) { 
     Ti.API.error("PlaybackStateEventListener : " + JSON.stringify(evt)); 

    function downloadVideoBackround2(evt){ 
     // Create a session configuration 
     // The string parameter is an arbitrary string used to identify the session in events 
     var sessionConfig = urlSession.createURLSessionBackgroundConfiguration("com.appcelerator.test"); 
     // Create a session 
     session = urlSession.createURLSession(sessionConfig); 
     // Create a background download task to get the asset with the URL 

    // Monitor this event to receive updates on the progress of the download 
    Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener("downloadprogress", function(e) { 
     // Update the progress indicator 
     Ti.API.error("DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : " + e.totalBytesWritten + "/" + e.totalBytesExpectedToWrite); 
     progress.value = (e.totalBytesWritten/e.totalBytesExpectedToWrite); 

    // Monitor this event to know when the download completes 
    Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener("downloadcompleted", function(e) { 
     Ti.API.error("download completed " + JSON.stringify(e)); 
     // Update the image 
     try { 

      var file = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, 'myplvideo.mp4'); 
      if (!file.exists()) { 
      Ti.API.error('data : ' + e.data.length); 
      Ti.API.error('file : ' + file.nativePath); 
      Ti.API.error('file resolve path :' + file.resolve()); 

      // Notify the user the download is complete if the application is in the background 
      setTimeout(function() { 

       //videoPlayer.media = file; 
       videoPlayer.media = file; 
      }, 3000); 

      //alert('Download completed!'); 
      alertAction : "update", 
      // Alert will display the following message 
      alertBody : "Download was successfull", 
      // The badge value in the icon will be changed to 1 
      badge : 1, 
      // Alert will be sent in three seconds 
      date : new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3000), 

     } catch(ex) { 
      Ti.API.error('download completed : ' + ex); 
    // Monitor this event to know when all session tasks have completed 
    Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('sessioncompleted', function(e) { 
     try { 

      Ti.API.error("sessioncompleted " + JSON.stringify(e)); 
      if (e.success) { 
       //alert("Downloads completed successfully."); 
     } catch(ex) { 
      Ti.API.error('Exception session completed : ' + ex); 



[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 67470/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 133006/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 199614/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 266222/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 275982/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 341518/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 408126/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 474734/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 541342/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 609398/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 677454/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 745510/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 758166/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 823702/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 897550/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1048142/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1114750/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1182806/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1249414/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1316022/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1382630/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1385150/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1450686/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1518742/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1586798/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1653406/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1720014/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1786622/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1854678/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1921286/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 1989342/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2057398/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2059918/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2125454/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2205094/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2271702/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2341206/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2342278/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2407814/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2410334/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2475870/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2542478/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2609086/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2675694/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2676766/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2742302/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2808910/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2876966/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 2943574/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3010182/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3076790/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3143398/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3212902/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3274790/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3340326/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3422862/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3557526/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3624134/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3692190/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3758798/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3825406/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3893462/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 3960070/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4026678/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4094734/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4161342/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4227950/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4294558/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4362614/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4430670/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4497278/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4498350/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4563886/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4630494/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4697102/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4699622/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4765158/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4831766/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4898374/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 4964982/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5031590/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5098198/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5106510/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5172046/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5319742/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5320814/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5386350/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5455854/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5523910/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5591966/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5658574/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5726630/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5794686/5794757 
[ERROR] : DOWNLOAD PROGRESS : 5794757/5794757 
[ERROR] : download completed {"taskIdentifier":1,"data":{},"bubbles":true,"type":"downloadcompleted","source":{},"cancelBubble":false} 
[ERROR] : open on /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9FBAAEB4-4878-4611-8BCC-EFC112AF9777/Documents/myplvideo.mp4: File exists 
[ERROR] : data : 5794757 
[ERROR] : file : file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9FBAAEB4-4878-4611-8BCC-EFC112AF9777/Documents/myplvideo.mp4 
[ERROR] : file resolve path :/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9FBAAEB4-4878-4611-8BCC-EFC112AF9777/Documents/myplvideo.mp4 
[ERROR] : sessioncompleted {"success":true,"message":"","errorCode":0,"taskIdentifier":1,"bubbles":true,"type":"sessioncompleted","source":{},"cancelBubble":false} 




// Notify the user the download is complete if the application is in the background 
setTimeout(function() { 
    //videoPlayer.media = file; 
    videoPlayer.media = file; 
}, 3000); 

