/// <summary>
/// Implements Packetization and Depacketization of packets defined in <see href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184">RFC6184</see>.
/// </summary>
public class RFC6184Frame : Rtp.RtpFrame
/// <summary>
/// Emulation Prevention
/// </summary>
static byte[] NalStart = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };
public RFC6184Frame(byte payloadType) : base(payloadType) { }
public RFC6184Frame(Rtp.RtpFrame existing) : base(existing) { }
public RFC6184Frame(RFC6184Frame f) : this((Rtp.RtpFrame)f) { Buffer = f.Buffer; }
public System.IO.MemoryStream Buffer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates any <see cref="Rtp.RtpPacket"/>'s required for the given nal
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nal">The nal</param>
/// <param name="mtu">The mtu</param>
public virtual void Packetize(byte[] nal, int mtu = 1500)
if (nal == null) return;
int nalLength = nal.Length;
int offset = 0;
if (nalLength >= mtu)
//Make a Fragment Indicator with start bit
byte[] FUI = new byte[] { (byte)(1 << 7), 0x00 };
bool marker = false;
while (offset < nalLength)
//Set the end bit if no more data remains
if (offset + mtu > nalLength)
FUI[0] |= (byte)(1 << 6);
marker = true;
else if (offset > 0) //For packets other than the start
//No Start, No End
FUI[0] = 0;
//Add the packet
Add(new Rtp.RtpPacket(2, false, false, marker, PayloadTypeByte, 0, SynchronizationSourceIdentifier, HighestSequenceNumber + 1, 0, FUI.Concat(nal.Skip(offset).Take(mtu)).ToArray()));
//Move the offset
offset += mtu;
} //Should check for first byte to be 1 - 23?
else Add(new Rtp.RtpPacket(2, false, false, true, PayloadTypeByte, 0, SynchronizationSourceIdentifier, HighestSequenceNumber + 1, 0, nal));
/// <summary>
/// Creates <see cref="Buffer"/> with a H.264 RBSP from the contained packets
/// </summary>
public virtual void Depacketize() { bool sps, pps, sei, slice, idr; Depacketize(out sps, out pps, out sei, out slice, out idr); }
/// <summary>
/// Parses all contained packets and writes any contained Nal Units in the RBSP to <see cref="Buffer"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="containsSps">Indicates if a Sequence Parameter Set was found</param>
/// <param name="containsPps">Indicates if a Picture Parameter Set was found</param>
/// <param name="containsSei">Indicates if Supplementatal Encoder Information was found</param>
/// <param name="containsSlice">Indicates if a Slice was found</param>
/// <param name="isIdr">Indicates if a IDR Slice was found</param>
public virtual void Depacketize(out bool containsSps, out bool containsPps, out bool containsSei, out bool containsSlice, out bool isIdr)
containsSps = containsPps = containsSei = containsSlice = isIdr = false;
this.Buffer = new MemoryStream();
//Get all packets in the frame
foreach (Rtp.RtpPacket packet in m_Packets.Values.Distinct())
ProcessPacket(packet, out containsSps, out containsPps, out containsSei, out containsSlice, out isIdr);
//Order by DON?
this.Buffer.Position = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Depacketizes a single packet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet"></param>
/// <param name="containsSps"></param>
/// <param name="containsPps"></param>
/// <param name="containsSei"></param>
/// <param name="containsSlice"></param>
/// <param name="isIdr"></param>
internal protected virtual void ProcessPacket(Rtp.RtpPacket packet, out bool containsSps, out bool containsPps, out bool containsSei, out bool containsSlice, out bool isIdr)
containsSps = containsPps = containsSei = containsSlice = isIdr = false;
//Starting at offset 0
int offset = 0;
//Obtain the data of the packet (without source list or padding)
byte[] packetData = packet.Coefficients.ToArray();
//Cache the length
int count = packetData.Length;
//Must have at least 2 bytes
if (count <= 2) return;
//Determine if the forbidden bit is set and the type of nal from the first byte
byte firstByte = packetData[offset];
//bool forbiddenZeroBit = ((firstByte & 0x80) >> 7) != 0;
byte nalUnitType = (byte)(firstByte & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue);
//o The F bit MUST be cleared if all F bits of the aggregated NAL units are zero; otherwise, it MUST be set.
//if (forbiddenZeroBit && nalUnitType <= 23 && nalUnitType > 29) throw new InvalidOperationException("Forbidden Zero Bit is Set.");
//Determine what to do
switch (nalUnitType)
//Reserved - Ignore
case 0:
case 30:
case 31:
case 24: //STAP - A
case 25: //STAP - B
case 26: //MTAP - 16
case 27: //MTAP - 24
//Move to Nal Data
//Todo Determine if need to Order by DON first.
if (nalUnitType != 24) offset += 2;
//Consume the rest of the data from the packet
while (offset < count)
//Determine the nal unit size which does not include the nal header
int tmp_nal_size = Common.Binary.Read16(packetData, offset, BitConverter.IsLittleEndian);
offset += 2;
//If the nal had data then write it
if (tmp_nal_size > 0)
switch (nalUnitType)
case 25:// MTAP - 16
offset += 3;
goto default;
case 26:// MTAP - 24
offset += 4;
goto default;
//Read the nal header but don't move the offset
byte nalHeader = (byte)(packetData[offset] & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue);
if (nalHeader > 5)
if (nalHeader == 6)
containsSei = true;
else if (nalHeader == 7)
containsPps = true;
else if (nalHeader == 8)
containsSps = true;
if (nalHeader == 1) containsSlice = true;
if (nalHeader == 5) isIdr = true;
//Done reading
//Write the start code
Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);
//Write the nal header and data
Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, tmp_nal_size);
//Move the offset past the nal
offset += tmp_nal_size;
case 28: //FU - A
case 29: //FU - B
Informative note: When an FU-A occurs in interleaved mode, it
always follows an FU-B, which sets its DON.
* Informative note: If a transmitter wants to encapsulate a single
NAL unit per packet and transmit packets out of their decoding
order, STAP-B packet type can be used.
//Need 2 bytes
if (count > 2)
//Read the Header
byte FUHeader = packetData[++offset];
bool Start = ((FUHeader & 0x80) >> 7) > 0;
//bool End = ((FUHeader & 0x40) >> 6) > 0;
//bool Receiver = (FUHeader & 0x20) != 0;
//if (Receiver) throw new InvalidOperationException("Receiver Bit Set");
//Move to data
//Todo Determine if need to Order by DON first.
//DON Present in FU - B
if (nalUnitType == 29) offset += 2;
//Determine the fragment size
int fragment_size = count - offset;
//If the size was valid
if (fragment_size > 0)
//If the start bit was set
if (Start)
//Reconstruct the nal header
//Use the first 3 bits of the first byte and last 5 bites of the FU Header
byte nalHeader = (byte)((firstByte & 0xE0) | (FUHeader & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue));
//Could have been SPS/PPS/SEI
if (nalHeader > 5)
if (nalHeader == 6)
containsSei = true;
else if (nalHeader == 7)
containsPps = true;
else if (nalHeader == 8)
containsSps = true;
if (nalHeader == 1) containsSlice = true;
if (nalHeader == 5) isIdr = true;
//Write the start code
Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);
//Write the re-construced header
//Write the data of the fragment.
Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, fragment_size);
// 6 SEI, 7 and 8 are SPS and PPS
if (nalUnitType > 5)
if (nalUnitType == 6)
containsSei = true;
else if (nalUnitType == 7)
containsPps = true;
else if (nalUnitType == 8)
containsSps = true;
if (nalUnitType == 1) containsSlice = true;
if (nalUnitType == 5) isIdr = true;
//Write the start code
Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);
//Write the nal heaer and data data
Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, count - offset);
internal void DisposeBuffer()
if (Buffer != null)
Buffer = null;
public override void Dispose()
if (Disposed) return;
//To go to an Image...
//Look for a SliceHeader in the Buffer
//Decode Macroblocks in Slice
//Convert Yuv to Rgb
感謝您的詳細解釋...我會嘗試看看會發生什麼... – Novalis
它適用於H264 ...順便說一下,我應該檢查其他fragment_type比其他28 ... – Novalis
那麼如果它不是28,比它沒有打包片段!然後你就可以直接使用VIDEO DATA。投票? :D – Cipi