Iam a DB Guy和我不知道VB的任何內容。 我有一個宏在Excel和Excel中我有交叉表格記錄。 我的宏會將Crosstabular記錄轉換爲表格記錄。 但我的要求是我想在Excel以外運行相同的宏。 .VBS文件應該在那裏,每當我們運行.VBS時,它應該從某個地方選擇excel,並將交叉表記錄轉換爲表格記錄並保存在某個不同的位置。 我已經創建了一個代碼相同的谷歌搜索和有人請檢閱我的下面的代碼,並幫助我與正確的代碼。如何在不使用Excel的情況下運行宏
Sub RunMacro()
Dim xlApp 'As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook 'As Workbook
Dim xlSheet 'As Worksheet
Dim wsCrossTab 'As Worksheet
Dim wsList 'As Worksheet
Dim iLastCol 'As Long
Dim iLastRow 'As Long
Dim iLastRowList 'As Long
Dim rngCTab 'As Range 'Used for range in Sheet1 cross tab sheet
Dim rngList 'As Range 'Destination range for the list
Dim I 'As Long
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("D:\Source.xls")
xlBook.SaveAs "D:\Results.xls"
End Sub
Sub CrossTabToList()
Set wsCrossTab = Worksheets("Tabular")
Set wsList = Worksheets.Add
'Find the last row in Sheet1 with the cross tab
iLastRow = wsCrossTab.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Set the initial value for the row in the destination worksheet
iLastRowList = 2
'Find the last column in Sheet1 with the cross tab
iLastCol = wsCrossTab.Range("A8").End(xlToRight).Column
'Create a new sheet and set the heading titles
wsList.Range("A1:C1") = Array("CATEGORY", "SUBCATEGORY", "VALUE")
'Start looping through the cross tab data
For I = 2 To iLastRow
Set rngCTab = wsCrossTab.Range("A" & I) 'initial value A2
Set rngList = wsList.Range("A" & iLastRowList) 'initial value A2
'Copy individual names in Col A (A2 initially) into as many rows as there are data columns in the cross tab (less 1 for Col A).
rngCTab.Copy rngList.Resize(iLastCol - 1)
'Move up a I rows less one and across one column (using offset function) to select heading row. Copy.
rngCTab.Offset(-(I - 1), 1).Resize(, iLastCol - 1).Copy
'Paste transpose to columns in the list sheet alongside the names
rngList.Offset(0,1).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
'Staying on same row (2 initially) copy the data from the cross tab
rngCTab.Offset(, 1).Resize(, iLastCol - 1).Copy
'Past transpose as column in list sheet
rngList.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
'Set the new last row in list sheet to be just below the last name copied
iLastRowList = iLastRowList + (iLastCol - 1)
'increment I by 1
Next I
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Results"
objwkbk.SaveAs "D:\Results.xls"
End Sub
正如我提到我不是一個Java開發或編碼的傢伙,我是一個數據庫的人,我不知道關於Java的東西。我想使用上面的代碼作爲.VBS文件。我想要有人糾正我的上面的代碼,以便在.VBS文件中使用它。如果你可以這樣做,它將非常感激。 在此先感謝。
當您嘗試運行此代碼會發生什麼?什麼錯誤信息(如果有的話),你會得到什麼。當你運行Excel時,Excel如何運作? –