2017-03-21 54 views




Sub main() 
    Dim Find_text() As string = split ("150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220") 
    Dim Replace_text() As string = split ("15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22") 

    For i As Integer = 0 To Find_text.length - 1 
     'I will write my find and replace code here 
End Sub 




Sub main() 

Dim Find_text() As String 
Dim Replace_text() As String 

Dim str As String 

str = "test 150 test 160 test 170 test 200 test 220" 

Find_text = Split("150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220") 
Replace_text = Split("15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22") 

For i = 0 To UBound(Find_text) 
    For j = 0 To UBound(Replace_text) 
     If InStr(str, Find_text(j)) > 0 Then 
      str = Replace(str, Find_text(j), Replace_text(j)) 
     End If 

MsgBox str 

End Sub 



Option Explicit 

Sub replaceText() 

    Dim findText() As String 
    Dim replaceText() As String 

    'set find and replace 
    findText = Split("10 20 30 40 50") 
    replaceText = Split("a b c d e") 

    'guard against unequal length searches 
    If UBound(findText) <> UBound(replaceText) Then 
     MsgBox "Find and replace are not equal lengths" 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ' Scan Criteria are needed when looking for elements in a model 
    ' Set up scan criteria to only include text types 
    Dim eSC As New ElementScanCriteria 
    eSC.IncludeType msdElementTypeText  'text element 
    eSC.IncludeType msdElementTypeTextNode 'multiple line text element 

    Dim model As ModelReference 
    Set model = ActiveModelReference 

    ' if you need to loop through multiple models you could use this 
    ' Set model = ActiveDesignFile.Models(i) 

    ' Element Enumerator is a list of elements 
    Dim elements As ElementEnumerator 

    'scan active model for text 
    Set elements = model.Scan(eSC) 

    ' the elements could also be retrieved using 
    ' Set elements = model.GetSelectedElements 

    ' iterate through element set 
    ' If there is another element in the list then 
    ' MoveNext sets elements.Current to the next element and returns true 
    ' otherwise it returns false and the loop exits. 
    Do While elements.MoveNext 

     Dim i As Integer 
     Dim textNodeI As Integer 
     Dim tempText As String 

     ' elements.Current is a generic element 
     ' we need to check its type to handle it correctly 
     If elements.Current.IsTextElement Then 

      ' access the generic element using the text element interface 
      With elements.Current.AsTextElement 

       '.text here refers to elements.Current.AsTextElement.text as specified by the With statement 
       tempText = .text 

       'split is 0 indexed 
       For i = 0 To UBound(findText) 
        tempText = Replace(tempText, findText(i), replaceText(i)) 

       'set the elements text to the replaced text 
       .text = tempText 

       'rewrite the text element to the model 
      End With 

     ElseIf elements.Current.IsTextNodeElement Then 
      With elements.Current.AsTextNodeElement 

       ' TextNodes have an array of TextLines (1 indexed) 
       For textNodeI = 1 To .TextLinesCount 

        'same as for text but for each line of node 
        tempText = .TextLine(textNodeI) 
        For i = 0 To UBound(findText) 
         tempText = Replace(tempText, findText(i), replaceText(i)) 
        .TextLine(textNodeI) = tempText 


       ' Rewrite the text node after you have replaced each line. 
      End With 
     End If 

End Sub