Buildfile: F:\Eclipse Projects\my_project\build.xml
[typedef] Could not load definitions from resource org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
F:\my_project\build.xml:32: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant:mvn
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet
This appears to be an antlib declaration.
Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
-a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument
我放置在Eclipse插件文件夾中的Maven的螞蟻任務的jar文件,並在懷南特ANT_HOME/lib目錄,也包括在classpath中。但它並沒有解決我的問題和this answer也解決不了問題。