def ab(b1, b2):
if not (b1 and b2): # b1 or b2 is empty
return b1 + b2
head = ab(b1[:-1], b2[:-1])
if b1[-1] == '0': # 0+1 or 0+0
return head + b2[-1]
if b2[-1] == '0': # 1+0
return head + '1'
# V NOTE V <<< push overflow 1 to head
return ab(head, '1') + '0'
print ab('1','111')
我想改變 「打印AB( '1', '111')」 到用戶輸入。
def ab(b1, b2):
if not (b1 and b2): # b1 or b2 is empty
return b1 + b2
head = ab(b1[:-1], b2[:-1])
if b1[-1] == '0': # 0+1 or 0+0
return head + b2[-1]
if b2[-1] == '0': # 1+0
return head + '1'
# V NOTE V <<< push overflow 1 to head
return ab(head, '1') + '0'
b1 = int(raw_input("enter number"))
b2 = int(raw_input("enter number"))
total = (b1,b2)
print total
請修復您的縮進... – DavidG
您剛剛錯過了ab通話嗎? like total = ab(b1,b2) –