我需要根據特定列值 將錶轉儲爲多個xml文件。 表如何根據列文件將數據表分割成多個文件?
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我的問題是我將要輸出該表到基於ID列 我試圖寫一個算法來做到這一點的價值XML文件,但我沒有跟蹤的ID值 我04-0030-03代碼是
tmp_id = "";
while (resultset.next()) {
create new xml file
tmp_id = resultset.getString("ID");
write the remain data corresponding to same id
*****if (current resultset.getString("ID")!= the next resultset.getString("ID"))
close the xml file
在我的主要問題是*****地步,如果電流id是從下一個ID或者沒有 請幫助我,糾正我的算法 的出應該不同,我不能籤像那樣
file1.xml should have
1 A Test1
2 A Test2
3 A Test3
file2.xml should have
4 B Test1
5 B Test2
6 B Test3
file3.xml should have
7 C Test1
8 C Test2
int tmp_blockid = 0;
boolean flagIsOpen = false;
while (rs.next()) {
//Check if the IDBLOCK is different from the tmp_blockid if yes write new file
if (rs.getInt("FEIDBLC") != tmp_blockid) {
flagIsOpen = true;
outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
fileOutputStream = new
FileOutputStream(newFile("C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\Projects\\"+ "new.xml"));
writer = outputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(fileOutputStream);
//Method to write the header of the xml
writeHeader(progrS, rs, writer);
tmp_blockid = rs.getInt("FEIDBLC");
//Method to write the body of the xml
writeBody(rs, writer);
//This is where is my problem this condition should check if the
//current id different from the next id on the next resultset row but i failed here
if (rs.getInt("FEIDBLC") != tmp_blockid) {
flagIsOpen = false;
//Method to write the footer of the xml
if (fileOutputStream != null) {
//to close the file in case if the resultset have some rows
if (flagIsOpen) {
flagIsOpen = false;
if (fileOutputStream != null) {
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