2013-07-03 23 views

我一直在玩一個衆所周知的揹包問題。這一次 - 但是 - 我決定在F#中實現它,因爲我正在學習這門語言,並且發現它特別有趣。實施F#回溯


作爲佔位符我實現使用可變變量 回溯(不進入多的詳細信息, 「組合(I,K)」 返回的部分解決方案對於i項和k的容量):

let output = 
      let i = ref N 
      let k = ref K 
      // analize items starting with the last one 
      for item in Array.rev items do 
       match !k - item.Size with 
       // if size of i-th item is greater than current capacity... 
       | x when x < 0 -> i := !i - 1 
         // ... this means we haven't taken this item 
            yield 0 
       // otherwise we've got two cases 
       | x when x >= 0 -> let v1 = combinations (!i-1, !k) id 
            let vc = combinations (!i, !k) id 
            if v1 = vc then 
            // case 1: item hasn't been taken 
            i := !i - 1 
            yield 0 
            // case 2: item is contained in the optimal solution 
            i := !i - 1 
            k := x 
            yield 1 

List.iter (fun x -> printf "%A " x) output 







let results, _, _ = items |> Array.rev |> Array.fold (fun (resultsSoFar, i, k) item -> 
    match k - item.Size with 
    // if size of i-th item is greater than current capacity... 
    | x when x < 0 -> 
     // ... this means we haven't taken this item 
     (0::resultsSoFar, i - 1, k) 
    // otherwise we've got two cases 
    | x when x >= 0 -> 
     let v1 = combinations (i-1, !k) id 
     let vc = combinations (i, !k) id 
     if v1 = vc then 
     // case 1: item hasn't been taken 
     (0::resultsSoFar, i - 1, k) 
     (1::resultsSoFar, i - 1, x)) ([], N, K) 

的想法是,該功能得到以前的狀態(resultsSoFar, i, k)和當前item和應該返回新的國家 - 例如,如果我們想生產0和遞減i,我們可以返回(0::resultsSoFar, i - 1, k),正如您在第一種情況中所看到的那樣。

初始狀態是最後一個參數([], N, K),你會得到包含所有三個值的結果,所以我使用模式results, _, _忽視的ik最後一個值。



let rec lookup (i, k) items = seq { 
    match items with 
    | [] ->() 
    | item::items -> 
     match k - item.Size with 
     // if size of i-th item is greater than current capacity... 
     | x when x < 0 -> 
      // ... this means we haven't taken this item 
      yield 0 
      yield! lookup (i - 1, k) items 
     // otherwise we've got two cases 
     | x when x >= 0 -> 
      let v1 = combinations (i-1, !k) id 
      let vc = combinations (i, !k) id 
      if v1 = vc then 
      // case 1: item hasn't been taken 
      yield 0 
      yield! lookup (i - 1, k) items 
      yield 1 
      yield! lookup (i - 1, x) items } 

工作正常,我 - 感謝提示:)。 –