[{"Title":"DALE","FullName":"Dynamic Alternative Learning Environment"},{"Title":"EU15","FullName":"EU-15: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom"}]
<p class="normal"><u class="abbreviation">EU15</u> countries, however, there are high rates of avoidable mortality and low levels of <u class="abbreviation">DALE</u>. Also Portugal is among the countries in Europe with the highest prevalence of <u class="abbreviation">HIV</u>This chapter also provides details of the health status of the population in order to understand the specific challenges the health system faces. Considerable health improvements can be seen in recent decades. The mortality rate declined more than 0.8 percentage points since 1975. This trend reflects both improved access to an expanding health care network, thanks to continued political commitment, and economic growth, which led to improved living standards and increasing investment in health care. Despite the overall improvements, there are inequalities in health among the regions and between social groups. Since the mid 1980s, the main causes of death have been diseases of the circulatory system, cerebrovascular disease and malignant neoplasms. These are likely to remain the main causes of death of the Portuguese population for the coming decades. Relative to other infection.</p>