當我找到一個特定的匹配項時,它會被替換爲另一個字符串的內容,其中也包含包含標記。標記必須按照它在最終文檔和中出現的順序進行替換,我必須知道每個替換的遞歸級別。無法在Word VBA中獲得遞歸Range.Find的工作
功能是做作的例子 - 文本被外部程序所取代:
Option Explicit
Private replaced As Integer
Public Sub Demo()
Dim pos As Range
Set pos = ActiveDocument.Content
replaced = 0
pos.Text = "{fizz}{fizz}{more}{buzz}{buzz}"
Expand pos
End Sub
Private Sub Expand(incoming As Range, Optional depth = 1)
Dim sub_range As Range
Dim end_pos As Long
end_pos = incoming.End
With incoming.Find
.MatchWildcards = True
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
Do While incoming.Find.Execute("\{*\}")
If incoming.Start < incoming.End Then
Debug.Print "Replaced " & incoming.Text & " at " & depth
end_pos = end_pos + ProcessReplacement(incoming)
Set sub_range = incoming.Duplicate
Expand sub_range, depth + 1
incoming.End = end_pos
incoming.Start = sub_range.End - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Function ProcessReplacement(replacing As Range) As Long
Dim len_cache As Long
len_cache = Len(replacing.Text)
If replacing.Text = "{more}" Then
replacing.Text = "{foo}{evenmore}{bar}"
ElseIf replacing.Text = "{evenmore}" Then
'This kind of works.
replacing.Text = "{fizzbuzz} "
'This doesn't work at all.
' replacing.Text = "{fizzbuzz}"
replaced = replaced + 1
replacing.Text = "<" & replaced & ">"
End If
ProcessReplacement = Len(replacing.Text) - len_cache
End Function
的第一個問題是,我不能圖如何保持.Find.Execute侷限在正確的範圍內。這是文件和輸出是什麼樣子(與後{} fizzbuzz的空間 - 後來更多):
Document text: <1><2><3><4> <5><6><7>
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {more} at 1
Replaced {foo} at 2
Replaced {evenmore} at 2
Replaced {fizzbuzz} at 3
Replaced {bar} at 2
Replaced {buzz} at 2 <---This was outside of the range at that depth.
Replaced {buzz} at 1
如果我乘坐空間出來後{} fizzbuzz,它甚至沒有得到匹配,即使我在觀察窗口中確認它基本上是該函數在替換後遞歸時的範圍內容。
Document text: <1><2><3>{fizzbuzz}<4><5><6>
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {more} at 1
Replaced {foo} at 2
Replaced {evenmore} at 2
Replaced {bar} at 3 <---No clue how this happens - wdFindStop is ignored.
Replaced {buzz} at 3
Replaced {buzz} at 3
Document text: <1><2><3><4><5><6><7>
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {fizz} at 1
Replaced {more} at 1
Replaced {foo} at 2
Replaced {evenmore} at 2
Replaced {fizzbuzz} at 3
Replaced {bar} at 2
Replaced {buzz} at 1
Replaced {buzz} at 1
爲什麼之前沒有展開替換字符串(S)* *他們代入該文件? –
@TimWilliams - 我希望我可以,但替換字符串也可以包含除標記以外的其他格式化文本。這實際上是我的第一個方法,但它完全摧毀了文檔格式。 – Comintern