2016-02-09 70 views

我想要一個字符串並對其進行格式化,以便我可以控制更改的數量。例如..有條件地格式化一個字符串 - Python


「這是@n @wesome字符串」但是,我想說的替換1「a」帶「@」,剩下的只剩下其中一個..





"This is an awesome string".replace("a","@") # "This is @n @wesome string" 

"This is an awesome string".replace("a","@",1) # "This is @n awesome string" 


import random 
def randreplace(str,c,c_replace,maxnum=0): 
    if maxnum >= str.count(c) or maxnum<1: 
     return str.replace(c,c_replace) 
    indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(str) if x==c] 
    replacements = random.sample(indices,maxnum) 
    st_pieces = (x if not i in replacements else c_replace for i,x in enumerate(str)) 
    return "".join(st_pieces) 


randreplace("This is an awesome string","a","@",1) # "This is @n awesome string" 
randreplace("This is an awesome string","a","@",1) # "This is an @wesome string" 
randreplace("This is an awesome string","a","@",2) # "This is @n @wesome string" 
randreplace("This is an awesome string","a","@") # "This is @n @wesome string" 

它是否在改變它涉及到或有任何特定的順序給它的第一個?我期待隨機使用,但我認爲我可以從中解決問題。謝謝! –


是的,它將取代第一次出現。 – Matthew


好吧,那是我的工作:) –



def replace_a_char(text, x, y, n): 
    matched = 0 
    for index, c in enumerate(text): 
     if c == x: 
      matched += 1 
      if matched == n: 
       return text[:index] + y + text[index+1:] 

    return text 

text = "This is an awesome string and has lot of characters" 

for n in xrange(1, 10): 
    print replace_a_char(text, 'a', '@', n) 


This is @n awesome string and has lot of characters 
This is an @wesome string and has lot of characters 
This is an awesome string @nd has lot of characters 
This is an awesome string and [email protected] lot of characters 
This is an awesome string and has lot of [email protected] 
This is an awesome string and has lot of [email protected] 
This is an awesome string and has lot of characters 
This is an awesome string and has lot of characters 
This is an awesome string and has lot of characters 

如果我將「n」更改爲不同的數字,這也可以嗎? –


或者等不是「n」,但是我想匹配的數量是2或3「@」? –



import random 

target = "a" 

replacement = "@" 

string = "This is an awesome string" 

indicies = [index for index, character in enumerate(string) if character == target] 

index = random.choice(indicies) 

string = string[:index] + replacement + string[index + 1:] 


def random_replace(string, target, replacement, instances): 
    indicies = [index for index, character in enumerate(string) if character == target] 

    replacements = min(instances, len(indicies)) 

    random_indicies = random.sample(indicies, replacements) 

    for index in random_indicies: 
     string = string[:index] + replacement + string[index + 1:] 

    return string, replacements 


>>> print(random_replace(string, "a", "@", 3)) 
('This is @n awesome string @nd has lot of [email protected]', 3) 
>>> print(random_replace(string, "a", "@", 10)) 
('This is @n @wesome string @nd [email protected] lot of [email protected]@cters', 6) 
>>> print(random_replace(string, "a", "@", 0)) 
('This is an awesome string and has lot of characters', 0)