查找用戶時,如果存在, 生成臨時令牌,我們將通過郵件發送給用戶,我們也會保存在數據庫中
查看:(用戶/ forgot_password.ctp)
<?= $this -> Form -> create('User') ?>
<?= __('Forgot password'); ?>
<?= $this -> Flash -> render('auth') ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> input('email' , ['type' => 'text','label' => ['text' => __('Email')]]) ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> button(__('Send mail'), ['class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block']) ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> end() ?>
public function forgotPassword() {
if($this -> request -> is('post')) {
$user_email = $this -> request -> data['email'];
if(filter_var($user_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$user = $this -> Users -> findByEmail($user_email) -> first();
$token = sha1($user_email . time());
$user['password_digest'] = $token;
$this -> Users -> save($user);
$email = new Email('default');
$path = Router::url('/', true);
$prefix = null;
if(isset($this -> request -> params['prefix'])) {
$prefix = $this -> request->params['prefix'] . DS;
$message = __('To regenerate password follow this link: ') . $path . $prefix .'users' . DS . 'resetPassword' . DS . $token;
-> from([[email protected] => yourAppName])
-> to($user_email)
-> subject(__('Reset password'))
-> send($message);
$this -> Flash -> success(__('Please check your email'));
} else{
$this -> Flash -> error(__('This email not extist in our data base.'));
} else {
$this -> Flash -> error(__('It´s not email format.'));
HTTP ://www.yourAppUrl.com/users/resetPassword/9bf31c7ff062936a96d3c8bd1f8f2ff3
查看: (用戶/ rest_password.ctp)
<?= $this -> Form -> create(null, ['class'=>'form-register', 'error' => false]) ?>
<?= $this -> Flash -> render('auth') ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> input('password', ['type' => 'password', 'label' => ['text' => __('Password')]]) ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> input('confirm_password' , ['type' => 'password', 'label' => ['text' => __('Confirm Password')]]) ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> button(__('Send'), ['class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block']) ?>
<?= $this -> Form -> end() ?>
public function resetPassword() {
//Check if param exist and exist user with token pass
if(isset($this -> request -> params['pass'][0]) && $this -> Users -> exists(['password_digest' => $this -> request->params['pass'][0]])) {
if($this -> request -> is('post')) {
//Find user with magical function by find by Password Digest
$user = $this -> Users -> findByPasswordDigest($this -> request -> params['pass'][0]) -> first();
$user = $this -> Users -> patchEntity($user, $this -> request -> data);
$user['password_digest'] = null; //Clean token in data base
if ($this -> Users -> save($user)) {
$this -> Flash -> success(__('The new password has been saved!, please Login now with your new password'));
return $this -> redirect(['action' => 'login']);
} else {
$this -> Flash -> error(__('This is not valid password.'));
} else {
//No param or not user with this token
$this -> Flash -> error(__('This is not valid token.'));
return $this -> redirect(['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'home']);
[編輯] 不要忘添加此方法無需註冊被允許:
// In AppController.php
public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
//Autorized acctions without registration
$this -> Auth -> allow(array('forgotPassword', 'resetPassword'));
//In UsersController.php
public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
$this -> Auth -> allow(['forgotPassword', 'resetPassword']);
從來沒有。你不能恢復MD5,因爲它很好 – splash58
你永遠不應該能夠做到這一點。哈希(你沒有使用加密)是單向的,它不能被取消。即使可能,您也永遠無法獲得用戶的密碼。 –
**旁註**:解密密碼並將其發送給用戶確實不是一個好主意,因爲它不安全。如果用戶忘記密碼,更好的方法是重置密碼。另外,'md5()'不安全,請使用'password_hash()'和'password_verify'來代替 – Panda