#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//Open main function.
int main(void)
double new_area, area_total = 14000, area_uncut = 2500, rate = 0.02, years;
int count = 0;
printf("This program is written for a plot of land totaling 14000 acres, "
"with 2500 acres of uncut forest\nand a reforestation rate "
"of 0.02. Given a time period (years) this program will output a table\n"
"displaying the number acres reforested at the end of "
"each year.\n\n\n");
printf("Please enter a value of 'years' to be used for the table.\n"
"Values presented will represent the number acres reforested at the end of "
"each year:>> ");
scanf("%lf", &years);
years = ceil(years);
printf("\n\nNumber of Years\t\tReforested Area");
while (count <= years);
count = count + 1;
new_area = area_uncut + (rate * area_uncut);
printf("\n%1.0lf\t\t\t%.1lf", count, area_uncut);
area_uncut += new_area;
return 0;
它在程序中停止的地方.....它甚至會進入while循環嗎?添加一些其他打印語句並以這種方式進行調試 –
'printf(「\ n%1.0lf \ t \ t \ t%.1lf」,count,area_uncut);''使用' %lf',這是未定義的行爲(更改爲'%d')。 –
'while(count <= years);''''''創建一個空的循環體。在你的編譯器中打開完整的警告,它應該警告這個。 – Barmar