2015-02-24 51 views

我最近正在閱讀C++源代碼,「一個反映的停頓:五個列表五」的系列。在Part V中,Scott Meyers討論了Barton和Nackman解決單位問題的方法。作爲航空航天業的嵌入式軟件工程師,這個特別的Aha!時刻讓我興奮。到目前爲止,我還沒有聽說過這種方法(也沒有這些作者)。C++維度分析(巴恩斯和Nackman)與規模




  1. 我錯過了什麼?規模是否參考我忽略的單元解決方案討論進行討論?

  2. 如果不是,我怎麼能進一步處理這個問題?有沒有可以與B & N方法結合使用的現有模式來完成解決方案?



typedef Units<double, miles>  uMiles; 
typedef Units<double, kilometers> uKilometers; 

uMiles  d1 (1.0); 
uKilometers d2 (1.60934); 

d1 += d2; 
if (d1.val(miles) == 2.0) // PASS 
if (d1.val(kilometers) == 3.21869) // PASS 

注: 我所見過的壓單元解決的問題,我不喜歡它。對我來說這是非常不可讀的。我也不是,通常被允許使用外部庫如boost。



template<class T, // Precision 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a> // Angle 

    class Units 
    // ------------------------------------------------------ 
    Units (T initVal = 0) 
     : val (initVal) 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Operator: Assignment from type T 
    Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& 
    operator= (const T rhs) 
     val = rhs; 
     return *this; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Operator: Type Converstion to T 
    operator T() const 
     return val; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Operator: += 
    Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& 
    operator+= (const Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& rhs) 
     val += rhs.val; 
     return *this; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& 
    operator-= (const Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& rhs) 
     val -= rhs.val; 
     return *this; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& 
    operator*= (T rhs) 
     val *= rhs; 
     return *this; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Units<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a>& 
    operator/= (T rhs) 
     val /= rhs; 
     return *this; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Get Reference 
     return val; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Get Value 
    const T& 
    Val() const 
     return val; 

    T val; 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Addition 
template<class T, int m, int d, int t, int q, int k, int i, int a> 
    const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> 
    operator+ (const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & lhs, 
      const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & rhs) 
    Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> result (lhs); 
    return result += rhs; 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Subtraction 
template<class T, int m, int d, int t, int q, int k, int i, int a> 
    const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> 
    operator- (const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & lhs, 
      const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & rhs) 
    Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> result (lhs); 
    return result -= rhs; 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Multiplication 
template<class T, int m, int d, int t, int q, int k, int i, int a> 
    const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> 
    operator* (const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & lhs, 
      const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & rhs) 
    Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> result (lhs); 
    return result *= rhs; 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Division 
template<class T, int m, int d, int t, int q, int k, int i, int a> 
    const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> 
    operator/ (const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & lhs, 
      const Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> & rhs) 
    Units<T, m, d, t, q, k, i, a> result (lhs); 
    return result /= rhs; 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Multiplication (Creates New Type) 
template<class T, 
     int m1, int d1, int t1, int q1, int k1, int i1, int a1, 
    int m2, int d2, int t2, int q2, int k2, int i2, int a2> 

    // Return Type 
    Units<T, m1 + m2, d1 + d2, t1 + t2, q1 + q2, k1 + k2, i1 + i2, a1 + a2> 
    operator* (const Units<T, m1, d1, t1, q1, k1, i1, a1>& lhs, 
      const Units<T, m2, d2, t2, q2, k2, i2, a2>& rhs) 
     // New Return type 
    typedef Units<T, 
     m1 + m2, 
     d1 + d2, 
     t1 + t2, 
     q1 + q2, 
     k1 + k2, 
     i1 + i2, 
     a1 + a2> ResultType; 

    return ResultType (lhs.Val() * rhs.Val()); 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Operator: Division (Creates New Type) 
template<class T, 
     int m1, int d1, int t1, int q1, int k1, int i1, int a1, 
    int m2, int d2, int t2, int q2, int k2, int i2, int a2> 

    // Return Type 
    Units<T, m1 - m2, d1 - d2, t1 - t2, q1 - q2, k1 - k2, i1 - i2, a1 - a2> 
    operator/ (const Units<T, m1, d1, t1, q1, k1, i1, a1>& lhs, 
      const Units<T, m2, d2, t2, q2, k2, i2, a2>& rhs) 
     // New Return type 
    typedef Units< 
     m1 - m2, 
     d1 - d2, 
     t1 - t2, 
     q1 - q2, 
     k1 - k2, 
     i1 - i2, 
     a1 - a2> ResultType; 

    return ResultType (lhs.Val()/rhs.Val()); 


// Base Types 
typedef Units<double, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0> uMass; 
typedef Units<double, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0> uLength; 
typedef Units<double, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0> uTime; 
typedef Units<double, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0> uCharge; 
typedef Units<double, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0> uTemperature; 
typedef Units<double, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0> uIntensity; 
typedef Units<double, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1> uAngle; 

// Derived Types 
typedef Units<double, 0,2, 0,0,0,0,0> uArea; 
typedef Units<double, 0,3, 0,0,0,0,0> uVolume; 
typedef Units<double, 0,1,-1,0,0,0,0> uVelocity; 
typedef Units<double, 0,1,-2,0,0,0,0> uAcceleration; 
typedef Units<double, 1,1,-2,0,0,0,0> uForce; 

uMass   mass; 
uTime   time; 
uForce  force; 
uLength  length; 
uVelocity  velocity; 
uAcceleration acceleration; 

// This will compile 
mass = 7.2; 
acceleration = 3.5; 
force = mass * acceleration; 

// These will not compile ** Enforcing Dimensional Unit Correctness 
force = 7.2 * acceleration; 
force = mass; 
force *= acceleration; 

我確實想要說明,我已經購買了Scott Meyers通過Barton和Nackman提及的那本書。我希望這本書能夠提供更多的見解。 http://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Engineering-Introduction-Advanced-Techniques/dp/0201533936/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424790308&sr=8-1&keywords=Barton+Nackman – Jerunh 2015-02-24 15:05:42


單位是可以乘法組合的東西。度量標度不是(因爲它們有一個任意的零點,並不意味着「無」),所以我不希望有一個「單位」庫來處理它們。 – 2015-02-24 15:33:03


@MikeSeymour我不同意。所有單位都有隱含的規模。我只是尋找一種明確的方式,並提供一種轉換方式。提升單位也提供規模,雖然以一種醜陋的方式。 – Jerunh 2015-02-24 15:59:56



從我的理解你的代碼和你的解釋,似乎你可以定義轉換常數「Unit s」,如

Units<double,0,0,0,0,0,0,0> K2C(243.15); 
Units<double,0,0,0,0,1,0,0> uCelsius; 
Units<double,0,0,0,0,1,0,0> uKelvin; 

uCelsius = uKelvin - K2C; 

上面的代碼可以在保持模板單元一致的同時使用重載操作符。你將不得不爲你想使用的任何常量創建pseudo- Unit


typdef enum { 
} temp_t; 

void Units::convertTemp(const temp_t from, const temp_t to) { 

    switch(from) { 
     case KELVIN: 
      val -= 243.15; 
     case CELSIUS: 
      if(to == FAHRENHEIT) 
      else if(to == KELVIN) 
       val += 243.15; 
     case FAHRENHEIT: 
      // convert to celsius 
      if(to == KELVIN) 
       //convert to Kelvin 

這並不符合我對交換使用單位的期望。您提供的兩種解決方案都需要明確的轉換 – Jerunh 2015-02-24 18:35:36


我已更新我的問題以顯示所需代碼的示例。 – Jerunh 2015-02-24 18:36:53



1.6 * 7 kilometers per hour = 11.2 kilometers per hour 




使所有的單位的(在不同的測量系統)不同類型,我們可以寫爲SI units system一個Units模板,具有同等的一個用於Imperial units system

template<class T, // Precision 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a> // Angle 

    class SIUnits 
    // ... 

template<class T, // Precision 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a> // Angle 

    class ImperialUnits 
    // ... 



template<class T, // Precision 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a> // Angle 

    ImperialUnits<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a> 
    convert(SIUnits<T, m, l, t, q, k, i, a> value) 
     T conversionFactor = 1.0; 
     for (int x = 0; x < m; ++x) 
      // This is some function that maps from one to the other. 
      conversionFactor *= siMassToImperialMassFactor; 
      conversionFactor += siMassToImperialMassOffset; 

     for (int x = m; x < 0; ++x) 
      // This is some function that maps from one to the other. 
      conversionFactor *= siMassToImperialMassFactor; 
      conversionFactor += siMassToImperialMassOffset; 

     // Do the same for other dimensions as well... 



class Celsius; 
class Kelvin; 
class Fahrenheit 
    // ... 
    Fahrenheit(Celsius t); // Auto-convert from celsius 
    Fahrenheit(Kelvin t); // Auto-convert from Kelvin 
    // ... 



template<class T, // Precision 
    int SystemOfUnits, // Denotes the system of units used, SI or Imperial. 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a> // Angle 

    class Units 
     // etc. 


template<class T, // Precision 
    int m, // Mass 
    int l, // Length 
    int t, // Time 
    int q, // Charge 
    int k, // Temperature 
    int i, // Luminous Intensity 
    int a, // Angle 
    class M, // Mass unit type 
    class L, // Length unit type 
    class T, // Time unit type 
    class Q, // Charge unit type 
    class K, // Temperature unit type 
    class I, // Luminous Intensity unit type 
    class A> // Angle unit type 

    class Units 
     // etc. 
