我使用flot來繪製一些數據。我在表單中輸入開始日期和結束日期,然後檢索要繪製的數據。圖表正常顯示一段時間,但url被重定向到同一頁面,但附有「?0 = on & 1 = on & 2 = on & 3 = on & 4 = on & 5 = on」which doesn不存在。這裏是我的代碼:Flot繪製圖表然後無端重定向
<form onsubmit='formValidator()' >
Start Date: <input type='text' id='date1' /><br />
End Date: <input type='text' id='date2' /><br />
<input type='submit' value='Go' />
<div align="center"><div id="placeholder" style="width:80%; height: 700px"></div></div>
<p id="choices" style="color:#FFFFFF">Show:</p>
<script type="text/javascript" id="source">
function formValidator(){
// Make quick references to our fields
var d1 = document.getElementById('date1');
var d2 = document.getElementById('date2');
var msg = "Please enter the date in the format yyyymmdd. e.g. 20110609 for June 9, 2011";
// Check each input in the order that it appears in the form!
if(notEmpty(d1, msg)&& notEmpty(d2, msg) && isNumeric(d1, msg)&& isNumeric(d2, msg)&& lengthRestriction(d1, msg)&& lengthRestriction(d2, msg)){
$(function() {
var date1 = d1.value;
var date2 = d2.value;
/* foo1-6 are arrays that get their assigned values here */
var datasets = [
{label: "Foo1", data: foo1 },
{label: "Foo2", data: foo2 },
{label: "Foo3", data: foo3 },
{label: "Foo4", data: foo4 },
{label: "Foo5", data: foo5 },
{label: "Foo6", data: foo6 }
// hard-code color indices to prevent them from shifting as
// options are turned on/off
var i = 0;
$.each(datasets, function(key, val) {
val.color = i;
// insert checkboxes
var choiceContainer = $("#choices");
$.each(datasets, function(key, val) {
choiceContainer.append('<br/><input type="checkbox" name="' + key +
'" checked="checked" id="id' + key + '">' +
'<label for="id' + key + '">'
+ val.label + '</label>');
function plotAccordingToChoices() {
var data = datasets;
choiceContainer.find("input:checked").each(function() {
var key = $(this).attr("name");
if (key && datasets[key])
if (data.length > 0) {
var options = {
legend: {
backgroundColor: "#000000",
backgroundOpacity: 0.9,
labelFormatter: function(label,series) {
return "<div style=color:#FFFFFF>" + label + "</div>";
yaxis: { min: 0 },
$.plot($("#placeholder"), data, options);
我們使用jQuery UI Datepicker來解決問題的日期選擇。仍然不知道爲什麼發生刷新問題,但很高興能夠正常工作。 –
因此,切換到jQuery UI的日期選擇器修復它(如果是這樣,你以前使用什麼)? – Femi
只是規則形式(與上面的代碼相同)。 –