如何在視圖內呈現控制器的結果...?從視圖調用控制器 - Zend Framework
public function ListAction()
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$this->userRepository = $sm->get('Application\Model\Concrete\TGUserRepository');
$users = $this->userRepository->Users();
$view = new ViewModel(array("Users" => $users));
$secondarySidebarView = new ViewModel(); // I don't really wanna do this, because I've already got an awesome controller set up for this which may as well be used to generate the model :S ?
$secondarySidebarView->setTemplate('something/poo'); // This only gets the view and doesn't call the controller first :S
$view->addChild($secondarySidebarView, 'something');
return $view;
foreach($this->Users as $user)
echo $user->Email;
echo $this->something; // Works fine
print_r($this->something->Poos); // Crashes because the controller hasn't been called to generate the Poos :(
echo RenderFromController("action", "controllername");
不確定你想要在這裏做什麼。爲什麼視圖需要訪問模型?所有數據都應該建模並傳遞給視圖。你是否遵循MVC模式? – Gavin
它不適用於視圖,但可以使用[forward controller plugin](http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.1/en/modules/zend.mvc.plugins.html#zend-mvc-控制器 - 插件 - 轉發)使用你的真棒動作;) – jmleroux
@gavin - 視圖不需要訪問模型...控制器可以訪問模型,視圖調用控制器,然後獲取需要的內容 – Jimmyt1988