my $cg = new CGI();
#!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w use CGI; $post_data_filename = "C:\\test\\postdata.txt"; $uploaded_filename = "C:\\test\\uploaded_file.txt"; #PART 1 # read and store the raw post data in a temporary file so that we can repeatedly # look at size of this temporary file in order to implement a progress bar open(TMP,">","$post_data_filename"); $len = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; read (STDIN ,$LINE, $len); print TMP $LINE; close (TMP); #PART 2 #use a CGI instance to read the raw post data and extract the uploaded file from it my $cg = new CGI(); open(STDIN,"$post_data_filename"); my $fh = $cg->upload('file[0]'); open($tmp_fh, ">$uploaded_filename"); while(<$fh>) { print $tmp_fh $_; } close($tmp_fh); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Ready\n"; exit;
請`使用strict`。避免使用間接對象符號:my $ cgi = CGI-> new更可取。我不確定你在做什麼:所有這些代碼都在同一個文件中?您的腳本是否有權寫入`C:\ test`? – 2009-07-09 13:05:55