任何一個可以轉換這個C#LINQ代碼到VB?我想developerfusion,didnt工作轉換LINQ C#到VB.Net
DataTable dt = dt1.Copy();
var result = dt
.Select(r => r.Field<string>(0))
.Select(s => string.Join("",
s.Select((x, i) => x == '0'
? " "
: (i + 1).ToString()))
Dim dt As DataTable = dt1.Copy()
Dim result = dt.AsEnumerable().[Select](Function(r) r.Field(Of String)(0)).[Select](Function(s) String.Join("", s.[Select](Function(x, i) If(x = "0"c, " ", (i + 1).ToString())))).ToList()
Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method 'Public Function Select(Of S)(selector As System.Func(Of String, S)) As System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection(Of S)' defined in 'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollectionExtensions' cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.
我的數據表只有單列,看起來像第一行的第二排0010000 第三排0100000等等,我想得到的是用空白區和全部1代替它的位置編號即所有0;對於第一行,期望的輸出像(1000000)。第二行(0030000)和第三行(0200000)。這樣
指定數據類型(S)您'沒有work'意味着什麼? –
顯示語法錯誤 – Cronaldo
這些太多了倒票? – Cronaldo