2017-04-07 36 views


int space[width, height, depth]; 


public int[,] GetCrossSection(int position, int dimension) 

在哪裏「位置」是指定您想要提取切片的「維度」點。 而不是使用我們只處理3維的事實很重要,在下面的示例中,您可以通過添加if語句來修復它們,並假定矩陣不會超出3維。


public int[,] GetCrossSection(int position, int dimension) 
    int[] dimensionIterationInterval = new int[] { width, height, depth }; 
    var dims = new List<int>(dimensionIterationInterval); 
    dimensionIterationInterval = dims.ToArray(); 

    int[,] crossSection = new int[dimensionIterationInterval[0], dimensionIterationInterval[1]]; 
    int[] itr = new int[2]; 
    for (itr[0] = 0; itr[0] < dimensionIterationInterval[0]; itr[0]++) 
     for (itr[1] = 0; itr[1] < dimensionIterationInterval[1]; itr[1]++) 
      crossSection[itr[0], itr[1]] = space[?,?,?]; //Problem 


public int[,] GetCrossSection(int position, int dimension) 
    int[,] dimensionIterationInterval = new int[,] { { 0, width }, { 0, height }, { 0, depth } }; 
    dimensionIterationInterval[dimension, 0] = position; 
    dimensionIterationInterval[dimension, 1] = position + 1; 

    int[,] crossSection = new int[?,?]; //Problem 
    for (int x = dimensionIterationInterval[0, 0]; x < dimensionIterationInterval[0, 1]; x++) 
     for (int y = dimensionIterationInterval[1, 0]; y< dimensionIterationInterval[1, 1]; y++) 
      for (int z = dimensionIterationInterval[2, 0]; z < dimensionIterationInterval[2, 1]; z++) 
       crossSection[?, ?] = space[x, y, z]; // Problem 



巧語具體的東西讚賞,但我也是一個「僞的codeY感興趣的問題如果有一些結構可以用來解決我在兩次嘗試中遇到的問題, – Adam




int[,] GetSlice(int[,,] source /*non dynamic 1*/, int dimension, int position) 
    int dimensions = source.Rank; 
    int[] dims = new int[dimensions-1]; 

    for(int j = 0; j < dims.Length; j++){ 
     dims[j] = source.GetLength(j + (j >= dimension ? 1 :0)); 

    var result = new int[dims[0], dims[1]]; // non dynamic 2 

    int[] start = new int[dimensions]; 
    int[] end = new int[dimensions]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++){ 
     start[i] = dimension == i ? position : 0; 
     end[i] = dimension == i ? position + 1 : source.GetLength(i); 

    int[] counters = new int[dimensions]; 
    for (counters[0] = start[0]; counters[0] < end[0]; counters[0]++) 
    for (counters[1] = start[1]; counters[1] < end[1]; counters[1]++) 
    for (counters[2] = start[2]; counters[2] < end[2]; counters[2]++) // non dynamic 3 
     int[] sliceCoord = new int[dimensions-1]; 

     for(int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++){ 
      sliceCoord[i] = counters[i + (i >= dimension ? 1 :0)]; 

     result[sliceCoord[0], sliceCoord[1]] = source[counters[0], counters[1], counters[2]]; // non dynamic 4 

    return result; 



更新:看起來你可以進一步概括代碼,因爲你可以創建一個動態排名數組。 Programatically Declare Array of Arbitrary Rank然而,這似乎付出了性能損失,其中最有可能是不可接受的

參考類似的問題:How to get a dimension (slice) from a multidimensional array



static int[,] GetSlice(int[,,] source, int dimension, int position) 
     int l1 = 0, l2 = 0; 
     if (dimension == 0) 
      l1 = source.GetLength(1); 
      l2 = source.GetLength(2); 
     else if (dimension == 1) 
      l1 = source.GetLength(0); 
      l2 = source.GetLength(2); 
     else if (dimension == 2) 
      l1 = source.GetLength(0); 
      l2 = source.GetLength(1); 

     var result = new int[l1, l2]; 

     var s0 = dimension == 0 ? position : 0; 
     var s1 = dimension == 1 ? position : 0; 
     var s2 = dimension == 2 ? position : 0; 

     var m0 = dimension == 0 ? position + 1 : source.GetLength(0); 
     var m1 = dimension == 1 ? position + 1 : source.GetLength(1); 
     var m2 = dimension == 2 ? position + 1 : source.GetLength(2); 

     for (var i0 = s0; i0 < m0; i0++) 
     for (var i1 = s1; i1 < m1; i1++) 
     for (var i2 = s2; i2 < m2; i2++) 
      int x = 0, y = 0; 
      if (dimension == 0) 
       x = i1; 
       y = i2; 
      else if (dimension == 1) 
       x = i0; 
       y = i2; 
      else if (dimension == 2) 
       x = i0; 
       y = i1; 

      result[x, y] = source[i0, i1, i2]; 

     return result; 




private int[,,] _space = new int[width, height, depth]; 

    public int[,] GetCrossSection(int position, int dimension) 
     if (dimension < 0 || dimension > 2) return null; 
     if (position > _space.GetLength(dimension) || position < 0) return null; 
     var minMax = new Tuple<int, int>[3]; 
     var resultXLength = -1; 
     var resultYLength = -1; 
     for (var i = 0; i < _space.Rank; i++) 
      if (i == dimension) 
       minMax[i] = new Tuple<int, int>(position, position+1); 
       minMax[i] = new Tuple<int, int>(0,_space.GetLength(i)); 
       if (resultXLength == -1) resultXLength = _space.GetLength(i); 
       else resultYLength = _space.GetLength(i); 
     var result = new int[resultXLength, resultYLength]; 
     for (var i = minMax[0].Item1; i < minMax[0].Item2; i++) 
      for (var j = minMax[1].Item1; j < minMax[1].Item2; j++) 
       for (var k = minMax[2].Item1; k < minMax[2].Item2; k++) 
        switch (dimension) 
         case 0: 
          result[j, k] = _space[i, j, k]; 
         case 1: 
          result[i, k] = _space[i, j, k]; 
         case 2: 
          result[i, j] = _space[i, j, k]; 
     return result; 