我正在運行運行Red Hat Enterprise Linus - 6+的強大羣集。當父目錄已經擁有該庫的舊版本時,Python從另一個目錄導入更新的庫
我需要從另一個目錄中導入一個庫(Say Tensorflow),但主目錄已經包含一箇舊版本的tensorflow。
結構 -
I Don't have Admin privileges for these libraries
|--- tensorflow 0.7
|--- other libraries which I need
Other Directory
|--- tensorflow 0.11
My Home Directory (I have privileges here)
Local directory of anaconda
|--- Keras
所以,我需要使用Anaconda目錄,但我想用的tensorflow (0.11)
我曾嘗試下面的命令 -
# Load Anaconda module
module load apps/anaconda/4.1.1/gnu
# Has tensorflow 0.7 installed
jupyter notebook
--> Works, but with tensorflow 0.7 (Which is incompatible with keras)
# Load new version of tensorflow
# It automatically python module located at compiler/python/2.7.10/compilervars along with CUDAnn and others
module load apps/tensorflow/0.11/gnu
# Point to my local installation of anaconda where I have installed Keras
export PYTHONPATH=/home/-path-to-my-home-dir/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
--> Works well in python shell, but I want to use IPython Notebook
jupyter notebook
--> Doesn't work in Ipython Notebook, which I guess is due to the reason that it uses jupyter notebook from my home dir (Not an Admin)
### WHAT I WANT ###
Anaconda Distribution --> From Server Module Directory (Not my local Directory)
Jypyter --> From above anaconda dist (Not my local anaconda dist)
Tensorflow --> From another module (Newer Version)
Keras --> Installed in my local anaconda distribution
# Any Other additional packages
# either not available on server (I can't install on server)
# or older versions available
# For such libraries, I should be able to use just that package
# from my home directory (I can have anaconda installed on my home dir)
剛剛嘗試過 'sys.path [0:0] = [「/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/0.11/gnu/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow」] 但仍然使用較舊的張量流版本 'tensorflow .__ version__ '0.7.1'' –
'>>> sys.path' = '['/'/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/0.11/gnu/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow ','','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python27.zip','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/plat -linux2','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/lib-tk','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/lib-old','/ home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/site-packages','/home/apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Sphinx- 1.4.1-py2.7.egg','/ home /apps/TENSOR_GPU/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-23.0.0-py2.7.egg']' –
我只能懷疑你的筆記本初始化已經導入tensorflow。 'sys.modules.keys()'在新打開的筆記本中是否包含「tensorflow」?順便嘗試'重新加載(「tensorflow」)';也許它會重新加載它從一個新的路徑。 (並不是說我喜歡這種方法。) – 9000