Name: "Slasher"; Description: "Dagon Slasher"; Types: Slasher Full
Name: "Frankenstein"; Description: "Dagon Frankenstein"; Types: Frankenstein Full
Name: "Full"; Description: "Dagon Video Tools"
Name: "Slasher"; Description: "Dagon Slasher"
Name: "Frankenstein"; Description: "Dagon FrankenStein"
Name: "Debug"; Description: "Debug. Warning: This will result in a non-functional ""Join in FrankenStein"" button in the Tools Menu."; Components: not Slasher
Name: "Vid"; Description: "Install Extra Codecs for Frankenstein"; Flags: unchecked; Components: not Slasher
我需要Warning: This will result in...
以新行和紅色字體顯示。我在InnoSetup: How to add line break into component description中發現了TLama's solution,但是它的結果是List index out of bounds(0)
,因爲您可以看到,該任務在我的腳本中有條件地顯示。Inno Setup - 更改任務描述標籤的顏色並換行
是的,我已經試過了。我想我會問一個新問題。顏色有點重要。 –