我不明白爲什麼我在幾個地方得到「錯誤找不到符號」。有人可以請解釋一下這個簡單的問題。Java - 錯誤找不到符號
- PriceCalculator.java:18:error:can not find symbol --- private JTextFeild priceFeild1;
- PriceCalculator.java:19:error:can not find symbol --- private JTextFeild priceFeild2;
- PriceCalculator.java:41:error:can not find symbol --- setDefaultCloseOpperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
PriceCalculator.java:44:error:can not find symbol --- buildPanel();
import javax.swing.*; public class PriceCalculator extends JFrame { private JPanel panel; // References the panel private JLabel messageLabel1; // References the whole sale label private JLabel messageLabel2; // References the markup label percentage private JTextFeild priceFeild1; // References the whole sale price private JTextFeild priceFeild2; // Referencts the markup label percentage private JButton calcButton; // References the calculator button private final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 550; // References the window width private final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 550; // Referenecs the window height /** Constructor below */ public PriceCalculator() { // Set the window title setTitle("Retail Price Calculator"); // Set the size of the window setSize(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); // Set the [x] exit button to close the program for the user setDefaultCloseOpperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Build the panel and add it to the JFrame buildPanel(); // Add the contents to the panels frame add(panel); // Display the window here setVisible(true); } /** Main Method Below */ public static void main(String[] args) { new PriceCalculator(); } }
猛禽的答案是完全正確的;我只是建議你使用IDE來防止你在類/方法中輸入錯誤。 –
重複的http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25706216/what-does-a-cannot-find-symbol-compilation-error-mean –