import csv
import difflib
file = open('test1.csv',"rb") #Open CSV File in Read Mode
reader = csv.reader(file) #Create reader object which iterates over lines
class Object: #Object to store unique data
def __init__(self, name, produce, amount):
self.name = name
self.produce = produce
self.amount = amount
rownum = 0 #Row Number currently iterating over
list = [] #List to store objects
def checkList(name, produce, amount):
for object in list: #Iterate through list
if object.name == name and object.produce == produce: #Check if name and produce combination exists
object.amount += int(amount) #If it does add to amount variable and break out
newObject = Object(name, produce, int(amount)) #Create a new object with new name, produce, and amount
list.append(newObject) #Add to list and break out
for row in reader: #Iterate through all the rows
if rownum == 0: #Store header row seperately to not get confused
header = row
name = row[0] #Store name
produce = row[1] #Store produce
amount = row[2] #Store amount
if len(list) == 0: #Default case if list = 0
newObject = Object(name, produce, int(amount))
else: #If not...
checkList(name, produce, amount)
rownum += 1
for each in list:
file1 = each.name, each.produce, each.amount #END OF FILE 1
file = open('test2.csv',"rb") #Open CSV File in Read Mode
reader = csv.reader(file) #Create reader object which iterates over lines
class Object: #Object to store unique data
def __init__(self, name, produce, amount):
self.name = name
self.produce = produce
self.amount = amount
rownum = 0 #Row Number currently iterating over
list = [] #List to store objects
def checkList(name, produce, amount):
for object in list: #Iterate through list
if object.name == name and object.produce == produce: #Check if name and produce combination exists
object.amount += int(amount) #If it does add to amount variable and break out
newObject = Object(name, produce, int(amount)) #Create a new object with new name, produce, and amount
list.append(newObject) #Add to list and break out
for row in reader: #Iterate through all the rows
if rownum == 0: #Store header row seperately to not get confused
header = row
name = row[0] #Store name
produce = row[1] #Store produce
amount = row[2] #Store amount
if len(list) == 0: #Default case if list = 0
newObject = Object(name, produce, int(amount))
else: #If not...
checkList(name, produce, amount)
rownum += 1
for each in list:
file2 = each.name, each.produce, each.amount #END OF FILE 2
diff=difflib.ndiff('file1',"rb"), ('file2',"rb")
while 1:
print diff.next(),
我還留着file1 = each.name,each.produce,each.amount來調用每個文件嗎?當我嘗試運行您放置的代碼時出現錯誤?對不起仍在學習 –
你會得到什麼錯誤? – mhawke
Traceback(最近一次調用最後一次): 文件「C:/ Python27/Test_energy」,第94行,在 a = open('file1','rb').read().litlines() IOError:錯誤2]沒有這樣的文件或目錄:「文件1」 –