2016-04-30 64 views

我下載了Visual Studio 2010的生產力電動工具。 我對缺乏Visual C++ 2010的自動補全功能感到惱火,所以我聽說這應該解決它。不幸的是,它說這是我嘗試安裝package微軟生產力電動工具無法在Visual C++ 2010上工作



4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - ------------------------------------------- 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Initializing Install... 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Extension Details... 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Identifier   : VSProPack.Microsoft.f4ef2e6e-e531-48d5-940d-eb955306da9a 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Name    : Productivity Power Tools 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Author    : Microsoft 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Version   : 10.0.20626.18 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Description  : A set of extensions to Visual Studio Professional (and above) which improves developer productivity. 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Locale    : en-US 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  MoreInfoURL  : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=189202 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  InstalledByMSI  : False 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.0] 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  SignatureState  : InvalidCertificate 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  SignedBy   : Microsoft Corporation 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Certificate Info : 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   ------------------------------------------------------- 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Subject]  : CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=AOC, OU=OPC, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Issuer]  : CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Serial Number] : 6105272900010000004F 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Not Before] : 2/7/2011 4:12:18 PM 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Not After]  : 5/7/2012 5:12:18 PM 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   [Thumbprint] : 445956A6B300E18DB325510DEFA4250A07F16C9E 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Supported Products : 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -    Version : [10.0] 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -    Version : [10.0] 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -    Version : [10.0] 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  References   : 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   ------------------------------------------------------- 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Name   : Visual Studio MPF 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Version  : [10.0,) 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   MoreInfoURL : 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   Nested  : No 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Signature Details... 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -  Extension is signed with an invalid certificate 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM -   (NotTimeValid)  : A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file. 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Searching for applicable products... 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Integrated) 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - Found installed product - Global Location 
4/30/2016 12:02:22 PM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products. 
    at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall(Boolean isRepairSupported) 
    at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall() 
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() 
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute() 

日誌清楚地列出了支持的產品,並列出了它在系統上安裝的產品。 *你的系統中沒有安裝任何支持的產品中的哪一部分*尚不清楚?你應該學會實際上**在錯誤消息和日誌中讀**,因爲它們幾乎總是具有與問題有關的實際意義。在這種情況下,它不會更清晰(除非MS有人打電話給你解釋)。 –



的Visual C++不支持2010,你可以從日誌文件中看到:

Supported Products : 
     Version : [10.0] 
     Version: [10.0] 
     Version: [10.0] 

VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products. 

只支持Visual Studio 2010版本,不支持任何Express版本。


升級時間。 VS2010是古老的。 –
