2017-08-30 49 views

我只想使用宏更改PowerPoint中的媒體對象的音樂。我在幻燈片中播放了音樂,但我無法弄清楚如何將它改變爲不同的音樂。或者是否有可能用新的替換它,但具有相同的屬性......? 我試圖玩弄下面的代碼,但我不知道休息...更改媒體對象(VBA PowerPoint)

Slide3.Shapes("bg_music").MediaFormat. 'code that I don't know to change it's music/media 



你將需要一個新的刪除現有的形狀和替換它,複製性需要。 This MSDN article列舉了MediaFormat屬性的一些(全部?)。

Option Explicit 

Sub ReplaceMediaFormat() 
Dim sld As Slide 
Dim newShp As Shape 
Dim shp As Shape 
Dim mf As MediaFormat 
Dim path As String 

Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) '// Modify as needed 
Set shp = sld.Shapes("bg_music") 
Set mf = shp.MediaFormat 

'// Modify the path for your new media file: 
path = "C:\Users\david.zemens\Downloads\2540.mp3" 

Set newShp = sld.Shapes.AddMediaObject2(path) 
With newShp 
    .Top = shp.Top 
    .Left = shp.Left 
    .Width = shp.Width 
    .Height = shp.Height 
    ' etc... 

End With 

' // copy the mediaformat properties as needed 

With newShp.MediaFormat 
    .StartPoint = mf.StartPoint 
    .EndPoint = mf.EndPoint 
    .FadeInDuration = mf.FadeInDuration 
    .FadeOutDuration = mf.FadeOutDuration 
    .Muted = mf.Muted 
    .Volume = mf.Volume 
    ' etc... 
End With 

'// remove the original 

Dim eff As Effect 
'// Creates an effect in the timeline which triggers this audio to play when the slideshow begins 
Set eff = sld.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(newShp, msoAnimEffectMediaPlay, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious) 

With newShp.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings 
    .LoopUntilStopped = msoCTrue 
    .PauseAnimation = msoFalse 
    .PlayOnEntry = msoCTrue 
    .RewindMovie = msoCTrue 
    .StopAfterSlides = 999 
    .HideWhileNotPlaying = msoTrue 
End With 

this article的幫助下,我能得到的音頻,以通過創建效果(見上Set eff = ...)自動播放。


好的,謝謝。但我只需要再做一件事,如何將「背景播放」更改爲真(使其在背景中,每張幻燈片中播放)? –


@DanielClímaco如果你使用VBE中的Locals窗口來查看對象屬性,它看起來像你可以通過'newShp.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings'來實現。 –


我無法找到屬性「玩/通過幻燈片之間」,這就是我想要的(只是忘了名字) –