我仍然是一名python初學者。作爲一個實踐項目,我想編寫我自己的RSS閱讀器。 我在這裏找到了一個有用的教程:learning python。我使用的教程中提供的代碼:試圖解析用python編寫的RSS閱讀器的提要
#! /usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
from xml.dom import minidom, Node
""" Get the XML """
url_info = urllib2.urlopen('http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot')
if (url_info):
""" We have the RSS XML lets try to parse it up """
xmldoc = minidom.parse(url_info)
if (xmldoc):
"""We have the Doc, get the root node"""
rootNode = xmldoc.documentElement
""" Iterate the child nodes """
for node in rootNode.childNodes:
""" We only care about "item" entries"""
if (node.nodeName == "item"):
""" Now iterate through all of the <item>'s children """
for item_node in node.childNodes:
if (item_node.nodeName == "title"):
""" Loop through the title Text nodes to get
the actual title"""
title = ""
for text_node in item_node.childNodes:
if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
title += text_node.nodeValue
""" Now print the title if we have one """
if (len(title)>0):
print title
if (item_node.nodeName == "description"):
""" Loop through the description Text nodes to get
the actual description"""
description = ""
for text_node in item_node.childNodes:
if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
description += text_node.nodeValue
""" Now print the title if we have one.
Add a blank with \n so that it looks better """
if (len(description)>0):
print description + "\n"
print "Error getting XML document!"
print "Error! Getting URL"<code>
一切都按預期工作,我首先想到了解它的一切。但是,當我使用另一個RSS源(例如「http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/tops/index.rss」)時,我從Eclipse IDE獲得了我的應用程序的「終止」錯誤。該錯誤消息,因爲我不知道究竟在哪裏和爲什麼應用程序終止。調試器沒有什麼幫助,因爲它忽略了我的斷點。那麼,這是另一個問題。
你可以嘗試做一個二進制搜索(通過註釋代碼)來隔離問題嗎? –
我試過了。我剛剛知道編譯器不是錯誤消息,但我缺乏知識。 – jacib