我曾經碰到各種各樣的bug使得一個Xml Singleton類的,並最終殺它,因爲我已經處理了所有的地方。我用兩種方法取代了它。一個是用於讀取數據的只讀版本,另一個是用於寫入更改的使用方法/語句。
public class Settings : IDisposable
string file = "my settings file";
XElement root;
private Settings()
root = XElement.Load(file);
private void Dispose()
public static Settings Read { get { return new Settings(); } } // return read-only version
public static void Write(Action<Settings> handler)
using(Setting settings = new Settings())
// below here is implentation specific
public XElement Root { get { return root; } }
public string SettingA
get { return (string)(Root.Attribute("SettingA") ?? (object)string.Empty); }
set { Set(Root, "SettingsA", value, true); }
// I wrote this for another StackOverflow thread
/// <summary>
/// Set any value via its .ToString() method.
/// <para>Returns XElement of source or the new XElement if is an ELEMENT</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isAttribute">true for ATTRIBUTE or false for ELEMENT</param>
/// <returns>source or XElement value</returns>
private XElement Set(XElement source, string name, object value, bool isAttribute)
string sValue = value.ToString();
XElement eValue = source.Element(name), result = source;
XAttribute aValue = source.Attribute(name);
if (null != eValue)
eValue.ReplaceWith(result = new XElement(name, sValue));
else if (null != aValue)
aValue.ReplaceWith(new XAttribute(name, sValue));
else if (isAttribute)
source.Add(new XAttribute(name, sValue));
source.Add(result = new XElement(name, sValue));
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Replace with for XAttribute
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static XAttribute ReplaceWith(this XAttribute source, XAttribute value)
XElement parent = source.Parent;
if (null == parent)
throw new Exception("Source has no parent");
return value;
string settingA = Settings.Read.SettingA;
Settings.Write(s => s.SettingA = "new value");
DI容器生命週期管理是通常比一個更好的選擇單身模式。請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/questions/137975/what-is-so-bad-about-singletons – TrueWill 2012-01-27 02:25:38