2013-03-26 34 views


感謝您的幫助球員。 艾米


Sub RemoveDuplicates() 
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
Application.EnableEvents = False 
'Code called upon through the other macros which will remove duplicates from all the types of search. 
Application.StatusBar = "Removing Duplicates...." 

Dim k As Integer 
Dim SuperArray As String 
Dim CheckingArray As String 
Dim Duplicate As Boolean 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim m As Integer 
Dim Endrow As Integer 
Dim Endcolumn As Integer 
Dim w As Integer 
Dim x As Integer 
Dim n As Integer 

w = 1 
x = 9 

Endcolumn = Module6.Endcolumn(x) 
Endrow = Module6.Endrow(w) 

If Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(9, Endrow) = "Percentage Similarity" Then 
    Endrow = Endrow - 1 
End If 

    For i = 9 To Endcolumn 

     j = 1 
     k = i + 1 

     Do While j <> Endrow + 1 
      SuperArray = Cells(i, j) & Superstring 
      Superstring = SuperArray 
      j = j + 1 

     For k = k To Endcolumn 
      m = 1 
      Do While m <> Endrow 
       CheckingArray = Cells(k, m) & Uberstring 
       Uberstring = CheckingArray 
       m = m + 1 
      If Uberstring = Superstring Then 
      n = 1 
       Do While n <> Endrow + 1 
       If Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(k, n).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 Then 
        Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(i, n).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 
       End If 
       n = n + 1 
      End If 
      Uberstring = -1 
     Next k 
     Superstring = -1 
    Next i 

Do While i > 9 
    If Cells(i, 1) = Empty Then 
    End If 
    i = i - 1 

End Sub 



我假設你的代碼必須有某種循環,例如For EachWhile ... WendDo ... Loop Until


Sub ExampleLoops() 
    Dim dblStart As Double 
    Dim tmp As Long 

    Const cDblMaxTimeInSeconds As Double = 2.5 

    dblStart = Timer 

    'Example with For loop 
    For tmp = 1 To 1000 
     tmp = 1  'to fake a very long loop, replace with your code 
     DoEvents 'your code here 
     If TimerDiff(dblStart, Timer) > cDblMaxTimeInSeconds Then GoTo Finalize 'Alternative: Exit For 

    'Alternative example for Do loop 
     DoEvents 'your code here 
    Loop Until TimerDiff(dblStart, Timer) > cDblMaxTimeInSeconds And False 'your condition here 

    'Alternative example for While loop 
    While TimerDiff(dblStart, Timer) <= cDblMaxTimeInSeconds And True 'your condtion here 
     DoEvents 'your code here 

    'FinalizeCode here 
    Exit Sub 
End Sub 

Function TimerDiff(dblTimerStart As Double, dblTimerEnd As Double) 
    Dim dblTemp As Double 
    dblTemp = dblTimerEnd - dblTimerStart 
    If dblTemp < -43200 Then 'half a day 
     dblTemp = dblTemp + 86400 
    End If 
    TimerDiff = dblTemp 
End Function 

它保持崩潰,當然如果你有直TMP後TMP = 1 = 1到1000你永遠不會讓過去TMP = 1。 。? – user1545643 2013-03-26 11:28:24


我發表了有目的的聲明,因爲for循環會在3秒之前完成。但下一個語句將在分配的時間後打破無限循環。當然,你需要刪除現實世界中的'tmp = 1'。將在答案中添加評論。 – 2013-03-26 12:21:20


啊對,這是有道理的。歡呼聲,我會再搗鼓一些,似乎沒有效果。 – user1545643 2013-03-26 12:49:40
