2016-01-17 59 views




#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <math.h> 

double perimeter(int sides, double* polygon_vert_x,double* polygon_vert_y){ 

/* Iteration counter. */ 
    int iloopx; 
    /*variables of type double*/ 
    /*perimeter to store the result of 
    sqaure root*/ 
    /*dx and dy are used to store values 
    of x and y co-ordinates calculation*/ 
    double perimeter, dx, dy; 
    /*initialize perimeter to 0.0*/ 
    perimeter = 0.0; 
    /* calculate perimeter using loops*/ 
    for(iloopx = 0; iloopx < sides; iloopx++) 
    { /*Total length of sides with pythagorean theorem*/ 
     /*distance */ 
     dx = polygon_vert_x[(iloopx+1)%sides] - polygon_vert_x[iloopx]; 
     dy = polygon_vert_y[(iloopx+1)%sides] - polygon_vert_y[iloopx]; 
     perimeter+=sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); 
    /*return total value*/ 
    return perimeter; 


int main(){ 

double perimet; 
int n; 
int count =0; 
double *polygon_vert_x; 
double *polygon_vert_y; 

/*input number of side*/ 
scanf("%d", &n); 

/* Allocate Memory of N-size */ 
polygon_vert_x = malloc(sizeof(double)* n); 
polygon_vert_y = malloc(sizeof(double)* n); 

/*input x-cords, y-cords*/ 
for(count=0; count < n; count++) 
    /* Get User Input N-Times */ 
    scanf("%lf %lf", &polygon_vert_x[count], &polygon_vert_y[count]); 

/* calculate the perimeter of the polygon */ 
    perimet = perimeter(n, polygon_vert_x, polygon_vert_y); 
    printf("The perimeter length is %.2f units.\n", perimet); 

    return 0; 


據我所知,你的程序不能處理任意數量的邊。現在,爲什麼p3的x和y的索引不同(0和1)而不是兩個都是0?輸入表明x和y同時被讀取,那麼它們不應該對每個點具有相同的索引嗎? – user3813674


perimeter()中的代碼看起來像是從別人的工作中複製的很糟糕。 – Jasen


環路部分在周邊嘗試,但它不起作用 目前正在處理另一個解決方案,看看我是否可以採取更多的值 –




#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <math.h> 

enum {x, y}; 

double perimeter(int side, double* polygon_vert_x,double* polygon_vert_y); 
double side(double *p1, double *p2); 

int main(){ 

double perimet; 
int n; 
int count =0; 
double *polygon_vert_x; 
double *polygon_vert_y; 

/*input number of side*/ 
scanf("%d", &n); 

/* Allocate Memory of N-size */ 
polygon_vert_x = malloc(sizeof(double)* n); 
polygon_vert_y = malloc(sizeof(double)* n); 

/*input x-cords, y-cords*/ 
for(count=0; count < n; count++) 
// printf("%d",count); 
    /* Get User Input N-Times */ 
    scanf("%lf %lf", &polygon_vert_x[count], &polygon_vert_y[count]); 

/* calculate the perimeter of the polygon */ 
    perimet = perimeter(n, polygon_vert_x, polygon_vert_y); 
    printf("The perimeter length is %.2f units.\n", perimet); 

    return 0; 


double perimeter(int sides, double* polygon_vert_x,double* polygon_vert_y){ 

    double perimeter; 

    perimeter = 0.0; 
    int i; 
    for(i = 0; i < sides; i++) 
     double p[2] = {0.0,0.0}; 
     p[x] = polygon_vert_x[i]; 
     p[y] = polygon_vert_y[i]; 
     double p1[2] = {0.0,0.0}; 
     p1[x] = polygon_vert_x[(i+1)%sides]; 
     p1[y] = polygon_vert_y[(i+1)%sides]; 
    /*return total value*/ 
    return perimeter; 

/* calculate length of side */ 
double side(double *p1, double *p2) 
double s1, s2, s3; 

s1 = (p1[x] - p2[x]); 
s2 = (p1[y] - p2[y]); 
s3 = (s1 * s1) + (s2 * s2); 

return sqrt(s3); 

不應該我在函數中聲明2 double var並且有2個循環來計算initialX [0] initialY [0]和x [0] y [0]之間的距離。 –