2012-08-23 50 views





      //get the value of the size field in the current row and store it in filesize 

      int fileSize = data.GetInt32(data.GetOrdinal("size")); 

      //get the value of the name field in the current row and store it in filesize 

      string name = data.GetString(data.GetOrdinal("name")); 

      //Create a byte array to read the file in the row which is in bytes 

      byte[] rawData = new byte[fileSize]; 

      //Read the bytes and store it in the array 

      data.GetBytes(data.GetOrdinal("file"), 0, rawData, 0, fileSize); 

      //Create the file from the byte array which is read from the database 

      FileStream fs = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); 

      fs.Write(rawData, 0, fileSize); 

      //closing the file stream 


      //Showing the image that is just retreived in te picturebox picDB 

      picDB.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(name);  