2012-08-24 94 views


 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    // JQUERY: Plugin "autoSumbit" 
    (function($) { 
     $.fn.autoSubmit = function(options) { 
      return $.each(this, function() { 
       // VARIABLES: Input-specific 
       var input = $(this); 
       var column = input.attr('name'); 

       // VARIABLES: Form-specific 
       var form = input.parents('form'); 
       var method = form.attr('method'); 
       var action = form.attr('action'); 

       // VARIABLES: Where to update in database 
       var where_val = form.find('#where').val(); 
       var where_col = form.find('#where').attr('name'); 

       // ONBLUR: Dynamic value send through Ajax 
       input.bind('blur', function(event) { 
        // Get latest value 
        var value = input.val(); 
        // AJAX: Send values 
         url: action, 
         type: method, 
         data: { 
          val: value, 
          col: column, 
          w_col: where_col, 
          w_val: where_val 
         cache: false, 
         timeout: 10000, 
         success: function(data) { 
          // Alert if update failed 
          if (data) { 
           document.getElementById("notice").innerHTML="Error, NO UPDATE"; 
          // Load output into a P 
          else { 
        // Prevent normal submission of form 
        return false; 
    // JQUERY: Run .autoSubmit() on all INPUT fields within form 
     $('#ajax-form INPUT').autoSubmit(); 


      <input name="company" value="<?php echo $row['total'] ?>" /> 

      <input name="lastname" value="<?php echo $row['taxin'] ?>" /> 





我打了幾乎一模一樣的東西:) – IMSoP


給我快速繪製麥格勞。 – Travesty3


不錯,也很容易。謝謝 – Bobby