2012-06-15 76 views


class A 
    public IB B {get; set;} 

interface IB 

class B : IB 
    //IB methods 

public SimpleMockTest() 
    var mockIB = new Mock<IB>(); 
    var a = new A{B=mockIB.Object}; 
    //do stuff with A, then verify methods on IB were called  

public TheKindOfTestIWantToDo() 
    var actualB = new B(); 
    var mockIB = new Mock<IB>(); 
    var splitter = new Splitter<IB>(actualB, mockIB.Object); //I need something like this 
    var a = new A{B=splitter}; 
    //do stuff with A, methods invoked on splitter IB get passed to both supplied instances 
    //of IB (actualB, and the mockIB). Allowing me to verify the calls as well as have the methods invoked on the actual B object. 
    var mockIB2 = new Mock<IB>(actualB); //behaviour is dictated by the actual, but allows verification 
    var a2 = new A{B=mockIB2.Object}; 





請詳細解釋一下嗎? 「我想在測試過程中有效地監聽接口調用,但沒有模擬線路的終結。」 –


@MicahArmantrout對象A通過接口IB調用B上的方法。我想驗證那些電話,同時仍然讓他們在B上登記。 – weston





public TheKindOfTestIWantToDo() 
    var actualB = new B(); 
    var mockIB = new Mock<IB>(); 
    mockIB.Setup(b => b.Foo()).Returns(() => actualB.Foo()) 
    var a = new A { B = mockIB }; 
    //do stuff with A, methods invoked on splitter IB get passed to both supplied instances 
    //of IB (actualB, and the mockIB). Allowing me to verify the calls as well as have the methods invoked on the actual B object. 

你或許應該重新考慮你的單元測試策略,雖然。 A的行爲應該可以測試而不依賴於B的行爲。嘗試讓mockIB返回特定值,然後爲B編寫一組不同的測試。


我同意史蒂夫。你的測試不應該依賴你的依賴關係的實現。 –


是的,我有自己的測試A和B,所以我看你從哪裏來。對A和B一起進行測試是否不好?我不應該試圖測試他們之間的內部溝通?只是將這2個作爲單個組件進行黑盒。 – weston


在這種情況下,您正在進行集成測試,並且我沒有看到爲什麼您需要確保實際調用任何特定方法的原因,因爲您應該在單元測試中聲明這一點。 –