2014-02-08 38 views
const int PIXEL_WIDTH = 10; 
const int PIXEL_HEIGHT = 10; 
const int WORLD_X = 64; //WORLD_X * PIXEL WIDTH = SCREEN_WIDTH if you want the world to be the same size as the screen 
const int WORLD_Y = 64; 

enum Pixel_Types { 

class Pixel 
    int x, y; 
    bool affected_by_gravity; 
    Pixel_Types type; 
     Pixel() : affected_by_gravity(false), type(AIR), x(0), y(0) {} 
     Pixel(int temp_x, int temp_y) : affected_by_gravity(false), type(AIR), x(temp_x), y(temp_y) {} 

     int getX() { return x; } //x is 0-63, scales up in the rendering code 
     int getY() { return y; } //y is 0-63, scales up in the rendering code 

     int getScreenX() { return x*PIXEL_WIDTH; } //x is 0-63, scales up in the rendering code 
     int getScreenY() { return y*PIXEL_HEIGHT; } //y is 0-63, scales up in the rendering code 

     bool setDeltaX(int temp_delta_x); 
     bool setDeltaY(int temp_delta_y); 

     void setAffectedByGravity(bool yesorno) { affected_by_gravity = yesorno; } 
     bool getAffectedByGravity() { return affected_by_gravity; } 

     Pixel_Types getType() { return type; } 
     void setType(Pixel_Types what_type) { type = what_type; }//if (type == DIRT or type == STONE) { affected_by_gravity = true; } } 

std::vector<Pixel> world; //the world is a dynamically allocated thing 

Pixel* getPixelFromCoordinates(int x, int y) 
    if (x > 63) x = 63; 
    else if (x < 0) x = 0; 
    if (y > 63) y = 63; 
    else if (y < 0) y = 0; 

    for (int pixel_index = 0; pixel_index < world.size(); pixel_index++) { 
     if (world.at(pixel_index).getX() == x && world.at(pixel_index).getY() == y) { 
      return &world.at(pixel_index); 
    return NULL; 

bool Pixel::setDeltaX(int temp_delta_x) { 
    if (x+temp_delta_x > SCREEN_WIDTH/PIXEL_WIDTH or x+temp_delta_x < 0) { 
     return false; 
    if (getPixelFromCoordinates(x+temp_delta_x, y)->type == AIR) { 
     x += temp_delta_x; 
     return true; 
    return false; 

bool Pixel::setDeltaY(int temp_delta_y) { 
    if (y+temp_delta_y > SCREEN_HEIGHT/PIXEL_HEIGHT or y+temp_delta_y < 0) { 
     return false; 
    if (getPixelFromCoordinates(x, y+temp_delta_y)->type == AIR) { 
     y += temp_delta_y; 
     return true; 
    return false; 

void generateWorld() 
    for (int world_generation_index = 0; world_generation_index < 4096; world_generation_index++) { 
     int x = world_generation_index % WORLD_X; //the world is 64 pixels left and right, and 64 up and down. this math is pretty easy and just extrapolates that. also each pixel is 10 pixels across, times 64 pixels = 640 (the resolution) 
     int y = floor(world_generation_index/WORLD_Y); //both x and y start at 0 
     world.push_back(Pixel(x, y)); 

     if (x == 0 || x == 63) { 

     if (y == 1) { 

    std::cout << "World size: " << world.size() << std::endl; 

void createPixel(int x, int y, Pixel_Types type) 
    std::cout << x << std::endl; 
    std::cout << y << std::endl << std::endl; 
    y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT/PIXEL_HEIGHT) - y; //compensate for the stupid inverted y in opengl 
    //if (getPixelFromCoordinates(x, y)->getType() == AIR) { 
     getPixelFromCoordinates(x, y)->setType(type); 

void physicsOneStep() 
    for (int pixel_index = 0; pixel_index < world.size(); pixel_index++) { 
     if (world.at(pixel_index).getType() == DIRT or world.at(pixel_index).getType() == STONE) {//if (world.at(pixel_index).getAffectedByGravity()) { 
      //std::cout << world.at(pixel_index).getX() << std::endl; 
      //std::cout << world.at(pixel_index).getY() << std::endl << std::endl; 


void setType(Pixel_Types what_type) { type = what_type; }





world.push_back(Pixel(x, y)); 

world.push_back(new Pixel(x,y)); 


好的,所以我嘗試了這一點,並且改變了世界變量以使用像素指針,並且我仍然在同一行上出現了段錯誤。我研究了這些變量,並注意到'this'被設置爲'0x0',並且像素類中的變量未定義,即使當我使用'new Pixel(x,y)'時,如下所示:http:// i.imgur.com/kFZ8QBL.png,這就是它應該看起來像,從'generateWorld()'調用http://i.imgur.com/QlJ5Wx9.png – Aearnus


我的診斷是正確的。你在空指針上調用'setType'。請注意,我沒有說我修正了所有的分配問題。因此,在調試器中調用堆棧框架以查找何時該空指針來自何處。 – hivert


正常的堆棧:http://i.imgur.com/JAV7SSH.png和堆棧當我得到一個段錯誤:http://i.imgur.com/YoLOhFd.png正如你可以看到像素的指針是第二張圖像中的0x0。只是傳遞我想要使用的像素的指針是我可以做的事情(比如,'setType()'不是'Pixel'中的函數)? – Aearnus
