REM {Variable Assignment};
cType := RequestType;
cDate := @Text(@Created; "D0S0");
cTime := @Text(@Now; "T0S1");
REM {Get the list of synonyms from the svType view};
cView := "svKeywordType";
clist := @DbColumn("": ""; @DbName; cView; 2);
@If((@IsError(clist) | clist = ""); "There is no request type in this system."; clist);
REM {Get the request type description list};
cDesclist := @Left(clist; " | ");
REM {Get the request type synonym list};
cSynonymlist := @Right(clist; " | ");
REM {Check the position of the request type from the list};
cPos := @Member(cType; cDesclist);
REM {Given the position, get the request type description};
cSynonym := @Subset(@Subset(cSynonymlist; cPos); -1);
REM {Get the mm value};
cMonth := @Left(cDate; "/");
REM {Get the dd value};
cDay := @Left(@Right(cDate; "/"); "/");
REM {Get the yyyy value};
cYear := @Right(@Right(cDate; "/"); "/");
cHour := @Left(cTime; ":");
cMinute := @Left(@Right(cTime; ":"); ":");
cSecond := @Right(@Right(cTime; ":"); ":");
cdateToday := @Text(@Today; "D0S0");
ctimeToday := @Text(@Now; "T0S1");
cRef := cSynonym + "-" + cMonth + cDay + cYear + "-" + cHour + cMinute + cSecond;
@If(cType = "" | @IsError(cSynonym); ""; cRef)
感謝隊友!很好的幫助! :) – drayl 2013-05-07 07:15:19
不客氣:) – 2013-05-07 07:22:09