2016-07-04 51 views

我在嘗試使用PowerShell腳本以靜默方式安裝SQL Server 2008 R2。 安裝後,我需要驗證安裝是否成功。 有沒有什麼辦法可以檢查sqlsetup.log文件中退出代碼是否成功安裝?如何驗證SQL Server 2008 R2的成功安裝

以下是代碼,我目前使用: -

# Read current directory 
$ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path 
$ParentDir = Split-Path $scriptpath 

#Read Config file from current directory 
$ConfigFile = $ParentDir + '\ConfigurationFile.ini' 
Write-Host $ConfigFile 
#Holds base setup from current directory 
$SetupFile=$ParentDir + '\setup.exe' 
Write-Host $SetupFile 
$SP3SetupFile=$ParentDir + '\SQLServer2008R2_SP3\Setup.exe' 
Write-Host $SP3SetupFile 

#Start of the log file 
$Start | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

#Printsd the current date and time in log file 
$Date | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

#Starting with the SQL base installation 
$InstallBaseSQL="Installing SQL Server 2008 R2" 
$InstallBaseSQL | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

#Installs SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition 
& "$SetupFile" /ConfigurationFile="$ConfigFile" 

#Checks whether properly installed 
$ExistString = Select-String -Path "$env:temp\SqlSetup*.log" -Pattern "Setup closed with exit code: 0x00000000" 
     $SuccessStatus = "Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 completed" 
     $SuccessStatus | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 
     #write-host "Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 completed" 
     #out-file $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 
     # $log.name | out-file $C:\FileContainingString.txt -append 
     $failStatus = "Installation couldn't complete, for more details please check sqlsetup.txt in temp folder" 
     $FailStatus | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

#Installing sql patch 
$InstallSQLSP3="Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3" 
$InstallSQLSP3 | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

#Install SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 Patch 
& "$SP3SetupFile" /instancename=MSSQLSERVER /quiet 

#Completion Message 
$PatchComplete="Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 completed3" 
$PatchComplete | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

$End | Out-File $env:temp\InstallSQL2008R2_log.txt -append 

不能說我見過任何人保存每個輸出到一個新的變量,然後將其保存到一個文件。爲什麼不直接將字符串輸入到「Out-File」?無論如何,而不是檢查日誌文件,你可以檢查[這篇文章](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3257328/detecting-if-sql-server-2008-is-installed?rq=1)的註冊表標誌,但錯誤代碼「0x00000000」(日誌的第二行)意味着沒有錯誤。 –


if ((Get-Content "$env:temp\SqlSetup*.log" -Encoding Unicode)[-2] -like "*0x00000000") 
    ## Successfully installed 

檢查日誌中的錯誤可能不是100%,你可能還需要檢查HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Bootstrap Release\1033\CurrentVersion\Version或東西太多。
